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Bro it's hard to keep two books alive and also I have some exams at the end of May. But I honesty don't care about them. I'm an average student so I don't think I will have troubles with passing them.
And also I'm sorry if I don't do for example dare as you wanted me to do. Sometimes I'm just not able to do so, because the whole plot just wouldn't make sense. But I'm trying to avoid this type of problems but sometimes I just can't. I'm so sorry again
???? p.o.v.:
I woke up late as always. Yep I'm always late. But whatever. I got up and head to my closet to get some clothes. After I got something I wore it and went to make myself a breakfast. Nothing special I made some eggs and I ate it. But something was off. He usually wakes me up but I guess he slept in. I'm going to wake him up today. I headed out from my room and went to his. I knocked. No one answered, I knocked again. But again, no one.

????: Hello? Are you here?

What's wrong? Again no answer. I decided to just head in. When I was here I didn't seen anyone. I checked everywhere: bedroom, kitchen, I even checked bathroom for some reason. But no one was there. Maybe they went to shop... but I was at it yesterday. Ok I'm going to act that nothing is wrong but I'm going to look for him later. Now I will do these requests. I headed down downstairs to the gym. I took the mic and announced.

????: Um- hello? Can ya all come to do these requests?

After a while everyone were here. I'm not sure how I'm going to do that. It's the first time I'm doing this by myself. They sat on their sits and we could start.

????: So um- you might wonder where is y know who. Well- um- he is currently sick and yeah!
Bandites: That kinda smells like a lie.
Rektway: Yeah-
John: Just tell what's the matter, we will destroy everyone.
????: No! Just let's move on to requests.

( the first one is the example of: if I would do it the whole plot would go brrr-)????: * 1st request here *

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( the first one is the example of: if I would do it the whole plot would go brrr-)
????: * 1st request here *. But wait how I'm going to do that. I can't teleport, I'm not the creator.
Devoun: Then we should play something different instead.
????: Yeah but what?
Kreek: I know let's play Capture the Flag.
PinkLeaf: What is that?
Kreek: It's the game where two teams have their own flag and the other team need to steal it and head to their base again without getting caught.
????: It's not a bad idea let's try. We don't have flags so we will use balls instead of this. Ok let's clean up the area and get to playing.

They quickly cleaned up the chairs which were on our way and now we need to split into two teams.

????: Ok so who is choosing people for their team!

Silence. No one answered. But you know what I understand it was exactly the same in my school on P.E. lessons.

????: Ok then I'm choosing. PinkLeaf, Devoun, PghL, John, TanqR, Flamingo and Sketch in red team and others in blue team. Well Chizeled didn't showed up so it will be 7v7.
Kreek: WHAT?!
????: What?
Kreek: WHAT ARE THESE TEAMS! Tower of hell player two Arsenal players in one team.
????: Ye, ye cry about it now let's just start.

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