11# part two

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Bro today I was in some kind of theme park with my class, I don't exactly remember the name something on E. Energyland something like that. And it was amazing! If I wasn't here the chapter would probably be sooner but I hope it's not a big deal.
Amelie p.o.v.:
I was sitting at the table with Rei Soph and this persona. We were having a nice tea party while we were waiting for them to get their self ready, we were talking about everything and nothing. I still can't believe that it was actually possible of me being here. I don't know if I worked on it or it's just my luck.

PghL: Alright I took care of everyone and we are ready to-
Chizeled: What is going on here?
??????: Shush- we are having a nice tea party while we are waiting for you.
??????: Yes.

He immediately got mad at us kinda for no reason at all, like it's just a tea party... I slightly laughed seeing him mad was pretty funny not gonna lie.

Soph: So it everyone here already?
??????: Oh sh*t! I almost forgot. Ok let's see.

He started counting everyone expect for us. After a while he stopped and looked at us again.

??????: Seems like everyone is here.
Rei: So we can FINALLY start?
??????: Yeah?
Rei: Geez finally!
??????: Ok everyone come here and sit on your places.

We all did what he told us, then we stood in the middle of this "circle" if I can call it like that and we were about to start.

??????: You can turn on the cameras now-
????: Oh yeah sorry!

His assistants turned them on and the show started.

??????: Welcome everybody it the second part of our dares and questions. I don't have anything more to add so let's just move onto requests!

 I don't have anything more to add so let's just move onto requests!

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??????: Let me read the 1st question... Oh-. Hmm- I know!

He ran to me and other two people here and moved closer like he wanted to tell us something.

??????: Ok I'm going to whisper because I don't want anyone to hear that expect for you guys. So the 1st request is to put TanqR in a dark small room, and I was wondering if you guys would-
Amelie: Yeah I'm in it!
Soph: I guess I have no choice, haha!

He showed us a thumb up and showed us to follow him. We all got up and did what he showed us. And that's how we came up to confused TanqR. We surrounded him. He looked really confused and stressed about that situation.

TanqR: I-um-. Do you want something? Can I help ya?

None of us answer that we stayed like that in silence and others were looking at us.

TanqR: Uhh- Hello?

We all jumped at him is one moment to caught him of guard. But that caused him to fall on his chair. Which was the perfect opportunity for us to pin his legs and hands down.

Rei: Sorry Tryhard you are now coming with us, haha!

Then that person... I haven't got his name yet. Whatever. He placed his hand on his chest and after a while he disappeared.

Soph: Why you needed our help tho. You could just teleport him.
??????: Don't you know what TanqR would do if I came up to him randomly.
Soph: No?
??????: He would beat my ass right here and I needed some help you know.
Soph: Oh yeah I forgot.
??????: ANYWAY, let's move on to next one, which is for Kreek. * 2nd request here *
Kreek: Ya all want me to die?
Soph: Yes.
Kreek: Ehh- But he is going to kill me if he will find out.
??????: You are safe for now he is in other room.
Kreek: Fine.
??????: He stays in room number 6 by the way.

He didn't respond and went to his room. We followed him. When he got there, he looked at us that one last time.

??????: Go.
Kreek: Fineee.

He went in and started searching up for something for some reason, why he didn't took the first thing which was visible? Whatever. One of us were guarding doors where TanqR was, just in case you know.

Amelie: Kreek can you be quicker?
Kreek: No I want to steal something good.
Soph: Guys we have a problem!
??????: What is it?
Soph: TanqR is breaking in!
??????: WHAT?!

We quickly ran where Rei was with TanqR. But we were to late he already did that and Rei was laying in the floor.

Rei: Ow- I would never thought that his man it that strong.
Soph: Are you ok?!
Rei: Yeah I guess.
Soph: C'mon I will help you get to the gym and someone will help you here.
??????: Ok so if you are staying with her me and Amelie are going to warn Kreek.

We both ran to TanqR's room to warn Kreek, I hope it's not to late.

TanqR: Oh KreekCraft~

Frick he knows what Kreek is doing right now. What do we do now? We were running but I don't think we will make it in time.

Kreek: Wait- what, why? AGHHH
Amelie: RUN

And he ran upstairs with TanqR on his back. We stopped to caught some breath.

Amelie: I don't even want to chase them at this point.
??????: Same let's just leave him, if he will die... I don't know. Let's just do the rest of the requests.

We did as he said and we head back to gym. When we got here we sat on our sits.

??????: Well how to say that... mission was a complete fail. We lost our soldier.
Devoun: Yeah cool.
Chizeled: Nooo my free content!
??????: Shush- And let's move on to next one. * 3rd request here *
John: N.O.
Flamingo: Awww... what a wholesome dare.
John: I'm not giving them to you, I know what you can do.
Flamingo: Awww please just one!
John: Fine- here catch it.

John threw him Deagle. He almost dropped it but I think the dare is complete.

??????: Ok and the last one is for Ominous. * 4th request here *
Ominous: FOR A MILLION DOLLARS?! Ofc I would it's just an outfit and wearing this for million dollars, just insane. If Rektway could do this for free I can do this for million dollars.
??????: Ok... cool. Well it's the end for us today and that means that these three amazing people need to go. Say your last goodbyes and head to portal which will appear in a second. But Rei are you alright?
Rei: Yeah! Why wouldn't I! I feel amazing! Thanks PghL.
PghL: Anytime!
Amelie: Bye Guys! I was an honour to spent some time here.
Soph: Yeah Cya!
Sketch: BYE!
Rei: BYE!

And we all went into portal. I'm glad that I could meet them!

Phew I'm done I wrote this in like 45 minutes, nice!
Well have a nice day or night and Cya!

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