Tokyo Mew Mew Match Maker
Name: Taka Hatsumi
Nickname(s): None
Gender: Girl
Your Match: Pudding
Why?: Pudding and Taka have a certain chemistry flowing. They're both from wealth noble families yet they both understand and appreciate hard work; not relying on their wealth much at all. Also, they share a several traits and skills in martial arts, love for sweets, and fun energy.
Here's the kicker, though. Taka's periodic moments of anger would not phase Pudding, actually the more Taka would ignore her the more Pudding would attach herself to Taka full force. Pudding's main goal seems to be to put smiles on people's faces and when someone who shares such strong similar traits as herself is grumpy faced, Pudding wouldn't be able to leave her be until she's smiling again.
Any harsh things that may be said would fly over Pudding's head, not that she doesn't realize what was said but more, she understands Taka's angry and won't let it get to her. Pudding is more mature, deep down, than many think.
Also, Taka's love for adorable things... yeah, totally Pudding.
——————— Questions:
How did they meet: Mew Mew Café. It was rather interesting. Taka had already known, the "Mew Mew Pudding" but never really put two and two together. If anything, Taka thought the café was merely named after the Mew Mew's since they became so popular, being as how she met the Mew Mew's first. So when Pudding came out to bring Taka her cake, they merely glance at each other and knew who the other was. Taka kind of jumped out of her chair and pointed at Pudding in shock and that's when Pudding dragged her to the kitchen telling Taka to shush. Ryou explained what they really were since Taka already seem to be acquainted with them and that's Pudding and Taka's first official "meet".
What did they first think of each other: Taka thought Pudding was rather loud yet a relief and enjoyment to be around. Pudding was like, "I've found a new best friend!"
What do they think of each other now: Taka can see how hard Pudding works to support her many younger siblings and yet is amazed and inspired by such a carefree and bright smile that Pudding wears every day. Pudding see's that Taka is really a person who likes to fend for herself and thus she admires Taka's strong will and fierce determination in life.
First kiss: It was kind of stolen. I don't mean Taka was asleep or anything, more like, a surprise really. It was Taka's second birthday that she would spend with the Mew Mew's and Kenichii decided to have everyone try his new cake at the birthday party. After the party, Taka offered to help clean up and Pudding jumped onto a chair to kiss Taka, which stunned everyone, but Pudding being Pudding didn't notice and told Taka to sit down because it's her birthday. Taka turned bright red and did as she was told, too embarrassed to do anything else.
First date: The carnival. Pudding knew that Taka would sneak out to see one once in a while, and since Pudding was from a noble Chinese family, she wiggled her way to getting two promo VIP carnival tickets. She came to Taka's mansion dressed in her red formal Chinese martial arts attire and told Taka to get dressed in something fun. When Taka came out in jeans and a cammie Pudding grabbed her hand and ran for the carnival. Showing Taka the tickets when they got there, Taka hugged her tight and kissed her, very happy.
Any other possible matches: Well, Lettuce was a choice but she wouldn't have been able to handle Taka's anger, especially if it was directed at her, but Taka would have been such a fierce protector for her. Another option I had was Ichigo, but again, she wouldn't be able to handle her anger, also, she's much too high strung to work well with Taka.
What does her match do when Taka ignores them: Smiles and then just follows her around like a puppy, occasionally poking her or saying "Turn that frown upside down" on random intervals. Not much bothers Pudding since she's much more understanding than her childish demeanor let's on.
Match Makers for Trades~~!! Open
FanficAs the title states, I will write you a Matchmaker (Or other items, I'm always open for suggestions) in TRADE for a creative piece in return, be it a one-shot, a Match maker, a Lemon, a "What the Characters think of you" or any of that genre. Get a...