What the Harry Potter Characters think of you
Name: Danielle Summers
Harry Potter: Danielle reminds me of myself in some ways, she finds it hard to trust people. However, I have overcome that with the help of Ron and Hermione, I hope that we can be of help to D as well.
Ron Weasley: Dani doesn't talk much, but lately George has been hanging around her, a lot, I wonder why...?
Hermione Granger: Danielle is simply misunderstood, she's protective, and that's all. She doesn't mean to be rude, she just knows who she can handle and who she can't. I find her to be a great friend, really.
Neville Long Bottom: I think she's nice but I don't go near her. What if she hexes me?!
Seamus Finnigan: She doesn't talk much, usually stick to a corner, that she does. I don't have much of an opinion.
Ginny Weasley: She friends with Ron and I'm pretty sure she's dating George, haha.
Percy Weasley: I really don't have time for this! There is work to be done! All I know is she is dating my useless brothers who think of nothing but jokes and pranks, hardly worth their time...
George Weasley: She has this mysterious edge to her, and I love that about her. She doesn't let the rules stop her and she is so gifted with pranks!
Fred Weasley: It's great George has a girlfriend, even better that she's so bloody brilliant!
Lavender Brown: Harry's friend? Yeah, she's anti-social... don't get on her bad side.
Oliver Wood: I'm sure George is dating her, right? As long as it doesn't get in the way of Quidditch practice!
Dean Thomas: She's dating George right? Wicked!
Angelina Johnson: George is dating her! Dang it, I thought he was pretty cute...
Katie Bell: George's girlfriend right, oh they're so cute together~! However, she's awfully quiet.
Alicia Spinnet: I think she was dating George by the time I graduated. Do you mind, I'm busy...
Lee Jordan: She's dating George from the Quidditch team, that's about all I know.
Parvati Patil: I don't know her very well, sorry.
Collin Creevy: Who?
Dennis Creevy: Who?
Cedric Diggory: George's girlfriend, right? Yeah, I've seen her during Quidditch matches against Gryffindor, she seemed pretty distant, though.
Luna Lovegood: I'm terribly sorry, who?
Susan Bones: Um, I don't know her... sorry...
Hannah Abbot: No idea...
Cho Chang: I'm sorry, I don't know her.
Terry Boot: She's super quiet.
Draco Malfoy: Bloody tart! I can't stand her! She's always trying to hit me and I swear I'll get her back one of these days! She'll regret it! I swear!
Crabe & Goyle: *With Malfoy*
Millicent Bullstrode: Oh, who cares?!
Pansy Parkison: How dare she lay hands on Draco?! I'll show her a thing or two!
Albus Dumbledore: Ah, yes, Miss Summers. She does not wish to grow close with people. However, however, this is not wise, and I can only hope... that... she, like many others, may find a bond with someone through these dark times. She is a brilliant student, and I have high... expectations of her.
Minerva McGonagall: Danielle doesn't cause too much trouble in class, however, she doesn't bond well with her peers. However, I can't complain.
Severus Snape: Absolutely awful to have in class, she needs to learn to be silent. Overstepping her bounds when I reprimand her friends. She deserved her detention as far as I'm concerned, now, get out of my sight.
Pomona Sprout: She is surprisingly attentive during Herbology, I hear she is quiet and distant but when she's around nature she seems to come to live. Surely, she is not all that bad.
Bathsheba Babbling: She doesn't not speak in class, if anything I think she sleeps with her eyes open. Fretful, really.
Hagrid: Ay' she visits with Harry an ta' gang. She's quiet an' all but she ain't bad. She don' talk much but I know she's a good lass. Always be there fer ya when ya need it.
Argus Filch: I don't like her! All of these students are just in my way! You clean the school! I remember a day when you kiddo's would be- *Interrupts* Hanging in the dungeons by your thumbs? *Argus* DON'T INTERUPT ME!! *Cringes* Okay, okay, sorry.
Cuthbert Binns: -drones on about History class- *He's always like that*
Charity Burbage: Who?
Madam Hooch: Not a very sporty girl, she loved to be outside but didn't care for flying.
Sibyll Trelwany: I felt no psychic energy from her! The poor dear will forever loom in the darkness that clouds her very eyes!!!!! *Steps back* Okay then...
Sirius Black: Harry's friend, yes? She seemed quiet... didn't talk much, really.
Remus Lupin: I'm sorry I don't know her well.
Nymphadora Tonks: Who?
Molly Weasley: She may be quiet but she truly is such a sweet girl, I'm so happy George is with her, she's so pleasant to be around.
Arthur Weasley: Ah, of course, Danielle, she's so nice. Sure, she's not very talkative but a few years with this family will help with that!
Lord Voldemort: I don't care! Get out of my sights! NOW!!
Peter Pettigrew: Who... who is that?
Regulus Black: I really don't care.
Lucious Malfoy: I hear she's been harassing my son, ridiculous. I can't believe he's too weak to handle a mere half-blood.
Narcissa Malfoy: Poor Draco, he's been harassed by this Danielle girl for so long. I should really get rid of her.
Ludo Bagman: I attended some of Hogwarts games, and that Fred and George are still following me around, what's worse, this Danielle is helping them now! Gah~! I'll never be rid of them!
Amelia Bones: Who?
Bartimus Crouch: Who?
Cornelius Fudge: I, I have no time, no time. Go, go away now, I have things to do.
Match Makers for Trades~~!! Open
FanficAs the title states, I will write you a Matchmaker (Or other items, I'm always open for suggestions) in TRADE for a creative piece in return, be it a one-shot, a Match maker, a Lemon, a "What the Characters think of you" or any of that genre. Get a...