Chapter 4 -「I d io ts. Bo th o f th em.」

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"Why do I have to dream this one?"

Cale continued to grumble under his breath as he glared at the screen in front off him, Yoo Joonghyuk visible together with Kim Namwoon and Lee Jihye.

「D o yo u se e an y ot her Ol d est Dr ea m asi de fr om y ou t wo?」

Damn Fourth Wall with its sassy attitude. Cale simply didn't want to be the one to dream of this turn because Kim Dokja's favorite was the 999th turn.

Indeed, it was the 999th turn regression, and he remembered it being Kim Dokja's favorite from how he watched the latter's memories back then.

"Don't you have any other worldline to be dreamed?"

「N on e. Un le s s yo u wa nt to dr e am a wor ldl ine fr om yo u r un i v er se.」

Cale became silent at that. He wasn't sure if he was ready to see them again even if he was now a constellation from another universe.

"But there is no Star Stream there, would it even be possible?"

「I t's to o ti ri ng to ex pl ain.」

Cale felt the train tremor as he held in a pole on instinct as he held the Kim Dokja who was unconscious in his arms, closer.

The train had ran through different universes, some has towers, dungeons, and different aircrafts protecting their planet.

"Who are you?"

A man with a dagger suddenly smashed open the subway door and came waltzing in front of them. Looking at the man, his eyes glowed in a purple hue as shadowy substance covered his body.

Cale shivered, not from the man, but the creatures that were hiding behind his shadow.

"My Lord, should I kill them?"

'Vicious bastards!'

"Stand down, Beru. You, may I ask what are you doing here?"

Cale wanted to run away, but he can't so he just put on his stoic face and plainly answered.

The redhead bowed, "I am Kim Rok Soo and this is a friend of mine, Kim Dokja. We are world travellers, so we just happened to pass by this universe. Pardon for the intrusion."

Where was the Fourth Wall when you need it the most?

"Saying that won't lower our suspicions, you do know that right?"

"...Yes, of course."

Cale needed to present evidence towards the man or the both of them would get decapitated in a matter of seconds.

"Hyung...? Where are we...?"

Thank the Gods whoever are watching them for letting Kim Dokja call him hyung.

Cale then looked apathetic towards the other man, "Please pardon me for a minute."

Which he received a go signal by a nod, "Dokja, did you rest well?"

The other man stopped himself from raising an eyebrow at the quick change in attitude of the redhead.

"Mm, which universe are we going now?"

Cale contemplated for several seconds and sighed, "In my universe."

「Un i ve rs e 974; Pl an eta ry 82624 w ill n ow ge t re ady to b e dr ea med, pr o cee d t o th e app lic abl e wor ldl ine?」

It seems that the man also read the notification, as Cale could hear him sigh and hid the shadow that was covering his entire body.

"You're telling the truth. I am sorry for that, I am Sung Jinwoo. A Shadow Monarch of this universe."

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