Funfairs and special bears (Nat x little yelena)

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Request: Nat gets yelena a teddy bear from the funfair but someone takes it and Nat gets mad because her sister is upset.

(2k words)

"Are you excited?" Nat asked helping her sister tie her shoes. "Mhm yeah I weally happy." Yelena smiled at her sister. "Good, you deserve to be happy, your the best sister in the world." Nat admitted. "No you best!" Nat chuckled. "How about you can be the best little sister in the world and I'll be the big sister." Yelena nodded. "Bes' big sissy," Nat kissed Yelena's head. "Come on let's get you in the car." Nat took her sisters hand and they walked out to the car.

"You are going to love the funfair, it's got candy and hot dogs and rides. There's cool games and you can get really cool prizes." Yelena smiled widely. "If you want anything just ask me okay, you can have anything you want." Yelena nodded. "Tank 'ou natty." Natasha smiled through the mirror at her sister, "you're welcome сестра."

When they got out of the car Yelena started jumping from excitement. "We haven't even gone in yet." Nat chuckled taking Yelena's hand. "Alright before we go in we need some rules. Don't talk to strangers when I'm not there, stay where I can see you, if I say no it means no, tell me if you need something or are uncomfortable. And most importantly have fun." Yelena nodded as they continued to walk through the gates.

"Natty!" Yelena shrieked pointing to the candy floss machine. "Straight for the sugar." The redhead chuckled. "I should've known." The two joined the queue to get some candy floss, "do you want blue or pink or both?" Yelena pointed to both. "Alright we have to share one though or you will get a tummy ache and there's still more food stalls over there." Yelena nodded she didn't like having a tummy ache, although it was sometimes worth it she didn't want to argue when they only just got here.

"Here you go tiny." Nat took some candy floss before handing the rest to the blonde. "Let's go sit over here then we can decide what to do next." Nat took her sister over to a bench. "What do you-" Yelena looked at her sister with sugar and candy floss all over her face. "At least I brought wipes." Nat pulled a pack out of her bag. "Sit still." Nat chuckled wiping her sisters face. "No wan more." Yelena held the stick in front of her sister. "Alright I will finish it off." Nat ate the rest of the candy floss before cleaning them both up.

"I think I've had enough sugar for the next week do you want to go on a ride instead?" Yelena nodded pointing to the teacups. "That's what I was thinking." Nat smiled lifting Yelena into her arms. They had several goes on the teacups until Yelena got bored. (It took like twelve turns but Nat thought it was worth it to see her happy)

"Natty!" Yelena pointed to a large stuffed animal. "Shall we try and win you a new friend?" Nat carried Yelena over to the stall. She was pleased to find out it was a shooting game. "How do I win that?" Nat asked pointing to the teddy. "You have to shoot all the targets at the highest speed, no one has managed to complete it yet." The guy smiled. "I can show you how fast it goes if you like, before you waste your money." He added the last bit with a smug smile but Nat  smirked back, "sure." She managed to calculate the speed of each target and predict when the next one would come past.

However Yelena saw how fast it went and got disheartened. "It's ten bucks a go and you only get one attempt." Nat pulled ten dollars out of her wallet only to be stopped by her sister. "Is otay natty I no need it," Yelena said with tears in her eyes, she didn't want her sister to waste her money.

Nat kissed Yelena's forehead. "I will get it for you I promise." Nat placed the money down and took the gun. "You ready?" Natasha nodded and the game started. As expected Nat hit each target perfectly and the guys mouth fell open. "Oops." Nat chuckled with a smirk. "Yay!" Yelena bounced up and down, the girl stood next to the stall smiled. "Congratulations. Is this for you?" She asked the blonde taking down the stuffed animal. Yelena looked at Nat hopefully. "Yes it is." Yelena took the bear with a giggle. "Tanks natty." She mumbled behind the bear.

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