Part 2

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Hey, so I should be uploading new parts fairly often. (once a week minimum)

We were walking for a few minutes before anyone decided to speak. 'Mhm...' You looked at the tall man with ginger hair. He cleared his throat before speaking. ' sooooo... your fighting skills were really good. I'm Matt by the way. It shouldn't be too hard to forget my face let alone my name.' He said in a bright voice. ' If we're doing introductions then my name edd!' said the guy with brown hair and the black cloak. You turned towards the guy that jumped on you. He looked at you for a second before saying ' umm... hey... I'm Tom' His voice was deep and calm and reminded you of the ocean.

Minutes later we stopped. We were being picked up by a metallic black car. We all clambered inside. It was much bigger on the inside than you think. You realized how different you looked to them. They were all wearing sensible formal clothes whereas you wore a red apron on a white shirt and a black skirt. All you could do was look down at your hands the whole drive. The air was thick enough that you could slice it. ' Where did you learn to fight?' you looked up. RL (Red Leader)  was looking at you expectantly. ' I... I used to get into fights on the streets...' You said covering the scars on your arms.

The reaction wasn't what you expected. RL looked concerned if you could even call it that. It was more of a spark of pity in his eyes. The others looked at you like you were a rabid animal. ' say... what part of town are you from?' said Edd 'Ummm... the lower sector 2.' You said embarrassed. This was the more dangerous part of the city. The crime rates were higher than everywhere else. It was usually called the alleyway of the city because of all the shady stuff that went on around the area. You shivered even though it was warm in the car.

Soon the car pulled up to the curb. You looked up to see the towering mass of buildings. The red army base- you looked up at it in awe. You heard a chuckle behind you. ' You look so cute when you're like that.' whispered the RL. You felt yourself ignore his comment. He walked up to the entrance that was being guarded by two men. they saluted RL. He said something to one of them. he nodded and opened the gates. You followed him into the building surrounded by the others. You felt out of place among all of these wealthy people. You got some pretty weird stares from passing people. You felt everyone's eyes burn through your back. 

Soon you reached a grand room decorated with black and red furniture. It looked like it cost more than your own life! 'stay out and make sure we aren't disturbed.' he said to Tom. He nodded and stood outside. Now it was just you two. ' So... tell me more about your personal life.' He said. What was there to talk about? It's not like your life was very interesting. All you did was work and study. What more was there to say? '... I like to F/H...' You said quietly. You stared down at your shoes suddenly intrigued by your heels. ' Ah... interesting... you should tell me more about it in the future. Now, you are gonna need a new outfit. And some decent accommodation. And a mentor. We have lots to figure out.' He said. WE!? I wasn't the one that blackmailed someone to join the army!

If only that guy wasn't drunk or I wasn't working or maybe I was sick then I would be in bed reading. He's the one that picked a poor person off the streets and put it in their pocket like a dang coin. He stared at me for a second, a strange look in his eye. 'Well, you better change out of that. Matt will escort you to your room. You will have a roommate and tomorrow you will start training.' He said in a tone that reminded me of a businessman. You turned to leave the room when you heard 'Oh and please Y/N, don't pick fights here. we don't want you to ruin that beautiful face of yours now, do we?' You blushed ever so slightly. You were used to being 'flattered' in the streets.

You left the room and met Matt standing by the door staring at his reflection in a small handheld mirror. upon seeing you he excitedly walked/skipped to your side. ' Hello Y/N! I'll be showing you to your room.' He said happily. You smiled. If he can be positive then so can I. you thought. 'You're lucky. You get one of the nicest people here as a roommate!' He said while messing with his hair. You sighed. Maybe this won't be as bad as you thought. Now you'll get some respect.

Hey, so once again apologize for any mistakes in grammar, punctuation, etc. I hope you enjoyed it. part three coming soon.

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