Time keeps on passing so slowly

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I woke up to a horn honking, my head slamming against the glass as the bus came to a stop. I opened my eyes, holding my hand against my forehead as I looked around. Everyone was in various stages of waking up, except Bellamy. He was wide awake.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked sighing as I looked down at the jacket covering me.

He sighed, "we're stopping for breakfast. Which is good because your stomach has been making noises since you feel asleep."

I blushed as I put my arms through the sleeve of his jacket, "don't think you're getting this back anytime soon. I'm freezing."

He flashed me a crooked smile, "once a princess, always a princess."

I rolled my eyes as the driver stood up, "you've got fifteen minutes to get whatever you want, use the bathroom whatever. Fifteen minutes, people. If you aren't on that's not my problem. We've got a schedule to make, so use your time wisely."

He walked off the bus and left us all sitting there. Bellamy stood up and I followed him down the aisle towards the doors. I was starving, and needed something to drink. My mouth was dry. The sun was warm as we walked into the little station and then parted ways. I smiled as I pulled on the sleeves of his jacket and wondered why he had been so nice to me when I was sleeping.

I had enough snacks to keep me from going hungry for the rest of the trip. I was waiting in line when Bellamy came up behind me. He laughed, "you know for such a tiny girl you can put it away like a trucker."

I couldn't help but laugh, "I'm not going to eat this all this morning."

He was smirking at me as I walked up and put my stuff down. The guy behind the counter kept looking me up and down, biting down on his lip. I looked away, uncomfortable as he put my things in a bag, "that'll be twenty dollars."

I reached into my pocket, pulling out my wallet. My heart stopped when I saw it was empty. There had been money in there yesterday, before the station. My face fell, I couldn't pay for my food. I felt the blush creep up on my cheeks, "I'm sorry. I uh, I don't have the money."

Bellamy stepped up, "add this on," he handed them his soda and pack of donuts and then handed the cashier his money. I closed my eyes, more than embarrassed as I took the bag from him.

"I'll pay you back," I sighed as we walked out into the sun again, "I had money. I swear to god I had money yesterday."

He shrugged, "it's fine. Now I can just make sure you share all those snacks with me."

He nudged my shoulder and I saw that playful smile in his eyes. I shook my head, moving my legs around. My phone started buzzing, "hey can you hold this? I think it might be my mom."

He took the bag and I walked away from the bus. I pulled my phone out and answered before I looked at who it was. I had a feeling my mom would call when Octavia told her I was coming home, "hello?"


His voice sent chills down my spine. I closed my eyes and leaned up against the building. I took in a breath, "stop calling me Finn."

He sighed, "I love you. I still love you and I just. I should've made that clear. I don't want you to leave this way, I don't want you to be hurting."

I laughed, "I'm not hurting because you chose your wife and unborn child over me. It was my choice to leave, I don't want to be the reason why you don't get to raise your baby. I'm hurting because I gave up my life, even if I had no idea where it was going, to follow you down here. I gave up who I was, because I thought you were my escape from the pain. You just forgot to mention that life you wanted to make with me included a wife."

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