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Five Years later....

It had been a rough nine months. Between the swollen feet, the morning sickness that I couldn't get rid of, and the constant need for Bellamy to touch me I was ready for this baby to be born. I mean the last one on that list wasn't terrible, Bellamy didn't seem to mind it at all. But I was exhausted, I didn't want to be pregnant anymore.

Everyone says pregnancy is beautiful, sure it is. Once you get over the creepy people constantly touching or talking to your stomach. Or the fact that you bloat out overnight and you can't see your feet anymore. Or that you can't hold any food down for the first three months. No one told me that getting into this mess.

But on the rare nights I didn't get sick and Bellamy would put his hand against my small bump I couldn't help but smile. Because I was carrying our child. We had created it together out of love and the best pieces of us. They were going to be beautiful, girl or boy. I was excited to become a mother.

When Bellamy proposed three years after we had started dating, I had been a little worried. I loved him, there was no doubt about that. But there were things we still didn't know about each other. He had ghosts he was still fighting, and I was afraid he would regret his decision. Octavia told me I was overthinking things, her brother was head over heels in love with me. It was nice to hear it from someone else.

Our lives were prefect together. I decided medicine wasn't for me and I told my mom I wouldn't go to school. Instead I opened my own art studio where people come and do whatever they want, make the biggest mess they can, and then I display all the work. People love it, there's something for everyone. Clay and pottery, there's a wheel to spin your own clay, or a part to splatter pain on a canvas. Before my feet hurt too much I spent more than half my day there.

Bellamy was working his way up the police force. He was one of the youngest men there to become a detective before his thirtieth birthday. We were happy together, we spent our nights in bed smiling at this little life we never thought we could have together. I was so grateful for that bus ride home. My dad really wanted me to be happy without him, so he brought Bellamy back into my life.

Our wedding had been small and very rustic. I wanted it in a barn with only Bellamy's family and my mom in attendance. Octavia was my maid of honor and Lincoln had been Bell's best man. The preacher who had married my parents was the one who married us. I couldn't have been happier for the way our small wedding happened. All our friends came to the reception and we partied way too long.

I stopped thinking about Finn after that bus ride home. I took that time to mourn his loss, but once Bellamy took my hand into his I knew there was no one else that deserved my heart. I loved that boy, I wasn't sure how or why but I loved him with my entire heart and soul. Finn was just a distance memory at this point.

I winced as I stood there looking at my latest painting. I was trying to recreate this picture from our honeymoon, but it was hard. I couldn't get the lighting right with the water. I bent down to grab the paintbrush I had dropped. That's when I felt it, the water dripped down my leg. My eyes went wide, there were people all around the studio.

I laughed loudly, pain ripping through my stomach, "Octavia!"

Octavia was always at the studio. I was surprised that she hadn't gotten married before her big brother. But Bellamy had more life experience, he was ready to settle down. We all knew Lincoln and her would end up together, but for some reason they weren't rushing things. The younger Blake came running into the room.

Her eyes went wide when she looked at the puddle at my feet, "I think my water broke."

"Oh my gosh! My niece or nephew is on the way!" she put her hands to her mouth and giggled. I winced at the pain, "did you bring your bag? We need to get you to the hospital."

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