Chapter 1

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Chen's POV

I woke up early, starting a pot of coffee and getting a jump on breakfast. Around 10 minutes later I heard the girls starting to wake up, so I headed towards their room, opening the door.

" Morning girls" I said as both of them got up, running towards me as I gave them a big hug.

" I made you guys some breakfast" the smile on my face getting bigger as I placed the plates in front of them.

" Thanks mama" Myla said, eating some egg off her plate.

" Of course honey "

I gave both of them a small kiss on their foreheads before heading inside their room and checking off the checklist in my head of everything they would need for the stay at my aunts.

" All done " I heard Lena say before she started giggling at something Myla was doing.

" Ok, just keep your plate there baby. I will grab it when I'm done here. "

Once I finished getting everything around for the girls I went into the living room, turning on a show for them to watch as I tidied up the house a bit. I then got the girls ready for the day before getting myself ready and heading out to the car, strapping everyone in,  and dropping them off at my aunts, blowing them kisses bye.

" I'll see you guys after work, love you two " I said waving at my aunt and heading towards the station.

Once I arrived, I stayed in my car for a few minutes before heading inside the precinct.

" Morning Chen" Nolan said.

" Morning" I said, entering the locker room and quickly getting ready for roll call.

After roll call, I went and inspected the shop before getting the gear, and loading it all up before hopping in the passenger side, Bradford getting in the driver's side.

" Why are you in such a good mood today boot? " Tim questioned with his usual glare.

" No reason " I responded, keeping my eye on the streets for anything suspicious.

" Ok " His tone hinting that he didn't totally believe my answer.

" 7-Adam-7 responding" I said over the radio as Tim headed towards the scene of a shooting in progress.

As the shift went on we responded to a burglary, another shooting, and a few car accidents, before we stopped for lunch. I sat down at a table with Nolan and West and started to eat my lunch. I ended up getting a call from my aunt, and excused myself while I took it.

" Hey girls how are you" a smile forming on my face, listening to their voices as they told me everything they did so far today.

" Ok girls I have to get back to work, I love you guys and be good for your aunt." I hung up, heading to the shop and getting back to work.

" Who was that?" Tim questioned as we paroled the streets.

" Just my aunt. "

" Ok" He responded as we got dispatched to a scene.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast with only a few calls, and Tim questioning me in between all of them. Once I got off shift, I couldn't wait to go and pick the girls up, maybe even have a movie night.

" Night guys, see you guys tomorrow" I said waving bye to West and Nolan and heading to my car.

Tim's POV

" Bradford, what's going on in your head?" Lopez asked.

" Just thinking, hey do you guys have any idea on who Chen was talking to today?? " I questioned, looking at both Lopez and Harper.

" Nope " they both responded.

" Why, are you concerned about it? " Lopez asked, one of her looks on her face as she went through something in her head.

" I don't know, something just seems off, night guys."

" Night Tim" they both responded giving a small wave bye before getting back to another conversation.

The rest of the night all I could think of was who Chen was talking to during lunch. She seemed more cheerful, shes always cheerful though, that's just how she was. I loved her for that, ahh what am I saying, I'm her TO and she's my rookie. Come on Bradford get your head on straight.

" Kojo, you hungry? "

I fed Kojo one of his favorite meals before sitting down in the living room and watching the game. After the game was over, I headed in my bedroom and got ready for bed, laying in bed for maybe 20 minutes before finally drifting off to sleep.

In the morning I got up earlier then normal, wanting to get to the station early. Once I got to the precinct, I headed to where Harper and Lopez were.

" Morning guys "

" Morning Bradford" Lopez said with a slight smile.

We all talked for a bit before I headed to get ready in the locker room.

Chen's POV

" Myla, Lena you guys ready to go, we gotta leave in a few minutes." I called, finishing packing there lunches for a picnic aunt Ruth is taking them on later.

" We ready " Lena said, walking out in a pretty little dress she picked out herself, Myla following right behind.

" Here mama " Myla said, handing me a picture she drew of her, me, and Lena.

" Thank you so much, it's beautiful honey" I gave her a big hug before loading them both up and giving them both a kiss on their heads.

I walked them both up, their little hands wrapped around mine as we got to the door. I rang the doorbell, saying hello to my aunt before saying bye to the girls and my aunt. I got to the station just in time to get ready and barely make it to roll call.

" Chen your going to ride with Lopez today " Grey announced near the end of roll call.

" Ok sir."

" Ok, everyone stay safe out there " Grey said, ending roll call.

Author note: If you guys have any feedback or requests, feel free to leave them.

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