Chapter 4

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" Want anything to drink??" I asked, gesturing at the empty seats across the kitchen island, standing on the other side.

" No I'm good, thanks" Harper said, taking a seat.

" Ok, Lopez? "

" No thanks." She said, sitting next to Harper.

We sat there for a bit, Lopez and Harper looking over at each other and back to me every so often.

" What. What happened now." I asked, a bit of frustration coming through in my voice.

" Chen, we have a lead." Lopez said.

" What... Who... Let's go." I said, heading quickly over to the couch and grabbing my jacket.

" Chen, Chen wait, where are you going? " Harper asked, now up from her chair and heading towards me.

" The lead, we.. you have to go check it out. Now. " I said, sitting down on the couch.

I wanted to catch the person who did this more that anyone, but there was one thing that I cared about the most. The girls.

My ankle was throbbing anyway, and there would be no way that they would let me help them if I'm injured. That didn't matter though, Myla and Lena did. They are my rock, the reason I wake up. I can't leave them.

" Keep me updated " I said as they exited out the door, hoping in the car and driving away.

Lopez POV

We were heading back to the station, going inside and splitting up. I went to where Tim was standing, while Harper talked to Grey.

" Hey Angela, what's up?" He asked.

" Just coming to grab some more information on the lead." I said, walking over to my desk.

" I'm guessing the talk with Chen went well?" He said.

" It was actually kind of weird to be honest, I thought Chen would be jumping at the opportunity to confront the lead, I honestly thought she was gonna run out the door right then and there, but she just sat down." I said, leaning against my desk.

" Ok. Yea that's weird of her I guess. Maybe she knew she couldn't go far by running, especially with her ankle." He said, looking at something on his phone.

" What do you mean??" I asked, standing up.

" She did something to her ankle on her way over her earlier. I told her to get it looked at before I drove her back to the house. "

" You drove her back home?" I said, a smirk forming on my face for a quick second before getting my head back on straight.

Me and Tim talked for a few more minutes before Harper came back down, Grey following close behind her.

" What's the plan? " Tim asked.

" Ok, you guys go to the leads house house and look for anything that could of been missed. I'll wait here in case there's any new information and Harper, can you stay back with me? " Grey said, looking at me, Harper and Bradford.

" Yea, on it" Harper said, going over to her desk and straight on the computer.

Me and Bradford loaded up in the shop, heading to where the lead lived. It seemed a bit to good to be true to be honest, I mean the lead came to us pretty quickly and out of nowhere.

" You think she's just mourning the loss of her aunt?" Tim asked after about 5 minutes into the ride.

" Huh? Oh well that's a possibility, but idk it seemed like she was holding something back, like there was some reason she had to stay there. It also seems like she wanted us out of the house for some reason. It's honestly probably just nothing." I turned down a street, trees surrounding the road on both sides.

Tim stayed quiet until we got to the house, he was probably thinking. He actually normally does that when he's tossing ideas through his mind, just staying completely silent the whole time until he finally can form words again. We headed in, investigating the outside of the place, looking for anything that could cause us any harm, or sneak up on us. Bradford then rang the doorbell and we waited.

Chen's POV

" Mommy where are we going?" Myla asked , watching as I packed up so.e of her clothes into a luggage.

" We're gonna go on a special surprise road trip " I said, finishing up packing the last of the things we would need.

I knew who exactly killed my aunt, my ex. He didn't know that the girls even existed, but if he found my aunt, it was only time until he found me and the girls. That would not end up well for any of us, especially the girls. I know I should have told Harper and Lopez about this, I helped as best as I could for the time being though. I put in the tip.

" Myla, can you go grab your sister please, we're leaving soon." I yelled, bringing the last of the bags to the door before starting the pack them up in the back.

I made sure that the girls would have everything they need for the trip, toys, movies to watch, snacks, drinks. I also wrote a note to the station, thanking them for letting me become a part of their family for these years, and telling them how honored I was to be able to be a police officer and learn so much because of them. I also left a personal note for each of the people I had worked closely with over the years, Tim, Nolan, Harper, Lopez, And Jackson. I obviously knew that he wouldn't be able to read it, but I still felt I needed to write him it. We made a quick pit stop at the cemetery, and I dropped the note off on top of his grave.

" I hope you will forgive me Jackson, I miss you so much every day. See you on the other side one day." I said, standing up, holding back the tears stabbing to pour out of my eyes as I walked back to the car.

" Ready girls?"

" Yea " they both screamed at the same time, making me laugh.

" Then let's get a move on."

A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated this story in a bit, it's been in the back of my mind, and I haven't been very motivated to update it. Updates will probably be pretty slow for the next week, and I'm sorry for that. I hope all of you have a good day, and feel free to check out my other stories if you would like.

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