Chapter 5

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( Bradfords POV )

We waited in silence as we waited for someone to come to the door, soon a blonde tall man came to the door.

" What do you want?" The man asked smugly.

" Hello sir, we are looking for somebody by the name of Robert Erickson, are they here by chance?" Lopez asked.

" I'm Robert Erickson, what do you need from me officers?"

Lopez started talking to the man, asking questions about the information he had on the murder of Lucy's aunt. I couldn't shake the feeling that I've seen the man somewhere before, something seemed familiar about him.

Lopez taped my shoulder, making me get out of my trance. " You ok Bradford?" She whispered to me, getting up from her seat. " Thank you Mr. Erickson for the information, please feel free to contact me if you have anymore information on the case." She said, handing him her card before turning to me before we both left.

" What's on your mind Tim?" She asked once we got back into the car, turning the car on and heading off.

" That guy, I can't shake the feeling that I know him from somewhere. It probably nothing. Hey have you heard anything from Harper and Grey?." I asked, adjusting my seatbelt.

" Nope, they haven't found anything new on Chen's aunt yet." She said, turning the car towards a different road.

" Where are we going Lopez? This is not the way back to the station."

" We're stopping by Chen's." She said, leaving no room for argument as we turned the corner near Chen's driveway.

Something was off, Chen's car wasn't there. I started to get worried, and once we stopped I got raced straight out of the car towards the front door, knocking on the door multiple times. " Come on Chen... Please answer" I said, whispering the last part of it.

( Chen's POV )

We were about 3 hours into the trip, both the girls were asleep in there car seats. We were about halfway into the trip, and have barely stopped for bathroom breaks, the girls have been sleeping for the past 45 minutes, which was a miracle. The silence was nice, but also lonely.

I drove for another 30 minutes before the girls finally started to wake up form there nap. " Morning mama" Lena said, stretching her arms out.

" Good morning baby, did you have a good nap?" I asked, keeping my eyes on the road as we entered traffic.

The rest of the trip went smoothly after we got out of the traffic, and we soon arrived at the destination of my aunts old house that she had given to me years back. " Ready girls? I'ma need some big strong helpers to help me bring a few bags in, do you think y'all are up for the challenge?." I said, smiling as I watched there faces get the biggest smile on them. " I can help!" They both yelled almost at the same time as each other.

We got to work grabbing a few bags that we would need for the night and the next morning, leaving the others for tomorrow. Once we were done, it was getting late, and the girls were starting to grow more tired as time went on.

" Ok, bedtime" I said, both of them racing to get there pajamas on for the night."

Once they were both in bed, I kissed them goodnight, tucking them in for the night, soon I headed to bed to get to sleep.

" Goodnight guys" I whispered, soon drifting off to sleep.

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