Chapter 6

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( Lopez's POV )

" Dammit chen, c'mon." Bradford yelled, but there was no answer.

I got out of the car, heading up towards him. He started to pace back and forth across the porch.

" Bradford calm down, she might just be out" I said, scanning the area for any signs of really anything.

" I wish that I believed that. " He said, a bit of sadness mixed into his voice.

I couldn't help but frown a bit at Tim. I know that he cares for Chen, a lot. In fact I haven't seen him be this involved in anyone's life this much, not even with Isabel.

" Ok. " I said, turning around to grab something from the car to use to open the door.

When I turned back around, Tim had a key, opening the door and swiftly heading inside.

"Really? You had a key?" I said, a bit annoyed, but I slowly put that aside, glad we didn't have to endflict any damage on Chen's house.

We split up inside once there was no look of people here. I took the living room and kitchen, Bradford taking the rooms. I looked around for a while, not seeing anything of interest. " You find anything Bradford?" I yelled.

" Nope "

We continued to search for a few more minutes. I was scanning the calendar on the wall for anything that could point to where she is currently. Bradford heading quickly out of the room with no word.

" Where are you going?" I said, grabbing his shoulder to stop him from starting to pace. " Calm down, what did you find?" I said, patiently waiting for the answer.

" We need to get to grey, now." He said sternly. I let him go, both of us heading out to the shop.

" Ok then, let's go "

I fully trusted Bradford, if he thought that Sargent grey needed to know whatever it wasz then let's go. I got into the driver's seat, heading quickly towards the station.

~ 15 minutes later ~

" Chen's missing?" Grey said once we entered the office, an eerie calmness to his voice.

For the next last 10 minutes Bradford explained everything that he had found at Chen's. I stayed mostly quiet, only butting in when needed. Bradford pulled out a letter from his pocket addressed to The sergeant, handed it to grey.

" Chen is not in any danger, everyone is ok, for their safety, she is out until her aunt's kidnapper is captured and put to justice." Grey said once he finished reading the letter, folding it back up, placing it on his desk. Exchanging a look over at Tim that I couldn't figure out.

Tim returned the look, taking a step back.

" What?"

Both grey and Bradford looked at each other, having a conversation without speaking.

" All you need to know is that everything is being taken care of officer lopez, now both of you go home and please try and get some sleep." Grey spoke, heading back into what he was doing before we entered.

" Night grey " I said, hitting Bradford in the side once we were down the steps. " What the hell was that about Bradford?"

( Chen's POV )

I got maybe 4 hours of sleep, if that, last night. Most of the sleep that I did get wasn't the best, I was tossing and turning all night.

I grabbed some clothes, heading into the bathroom to take a shower before I had to start on breakfast for the girls. I knew we were safe here, nobody knew about this place as it was secluded in the woods, and the other homes around it were two miles away at least.

When Myla woke up I was just finishing the last of the waffles, heading over to kiss her on the forehead. " How'd you sleep honey?" I asked, picking her up, Myla resting her head on my shoulder as she was still waking up.

" Good" she said, wrapping her arms around me. I set her down by the table, sliding a chair out for her.

We talked for a bit, waiting for Lena to wake up. It was something I tried to do with the girls when I could, spending time with them individually.

Lena woke about 10 minutes later, coming in the kitchen, still rubbing her eyes. " Morning " Myla said, to which Lena replied with a small smile. She has always not been a morning person, to which Myla was the opposite.

I gave them some food, pouring juice in their cups. " Morning Lena bo beana " I said, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

My ankle wasn't bothering me as much now as I had put it into a walking boot early this morning after my shower.

I told them both the plan for today, which was unpacking our stuff, and just chilling out at the house. Lena soon got out of her grumpiness as she woke up more, both of them helping me unpack and set up their room.

Everything was fine, we were safe, I was where I needed to be, chilling out with my girls. I had given grey my contact earlier, just in case he needed to get in touch with me. Though only under very certain circumstances.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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