Chapter 3

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Once I woke up, looking down at Luce's face, I felt the biggest smile form on my face. Dang it I love her so much.

" Why do you have to be so lovable and perfect luce? You have amazing kids and you are just amazing." I whispered to myself before moving very slowly, trying not to disturb her slumber.

I quickly got my shoes on and headed out the door, one last smile over at Lucy's peaceful face before leaving. Quickly I stopped by my house and changed my clothes before feeding Kojo and going on a run before work.

Chen's POV

When I got up, I was leaning against the couch. I started getting ready for work, checking in on the girls before I settled down on the couch. I called my mom, asking if she could watch the kids while I was out. She glady agreed and said she would be right over.

" Thank you mom"

Grey had given me the day off, and I didn't know what to do with my morning while the girls were asleep so I ran. During my run all I could think about was who could of taken my aunt. I ran and ran until I ended up a block away from the station, as I crossed the street I ended up tripping and falling, twisting my right ankle.

" Shit. "

I just kept running and running, until I got to the precinct. I limped inside the doors, trying to get to grey's office, and bumped into Lopez and Harper.

" I thought you had the day off " Lopez said

" Yea I do, just coming to see if there was any new news on my aunt." I said, shifting my weight to my left foot.

" Ok, see you around" Harper said, worry forming behind her smile.

I kept going to grey's office, slowly heading up the steps and to his office. I knocked.

" Come in." Grey said, looking up from his desk as I walked in.

" Hey, I was just wondering if there was any news of my aunt that you've heard." I said, fidgeting with my hands.

" Yea there is actually, you might wanna sit down." He said, gesturing to the chair in front of his desk.

" No." I said, holding back the tears.

" I'm so sorry for your loss. " He said, standing up from his chair, his face concerned.

" Yea, um, I have to get home, see you tomorrow" I turned and walked out of his office, keeping my face straight the whole time out.

Once I got outside I broke. Tears streamed down my face as I fell to my knees on the sidewalk. She was gone. Gone. Just then I heard someone from behind me walking towards where I was.

" Boot, what are you doi.." Bradford started, I locked eyes with him, the tears still streaming down my face.

" Chen, what's wrong" Bradford said, rushing quickly to my side, holding me in his arms.

" She's gone" I said, leaning into his arms, feeling safe in his embrace.

" Oh, Chen I'm so sorry. I know that doesn't do much, but I'm sorry" he said.

Even though those words didn't mean much, they felt 1000 times more meaningful when he said them. We stayed there for maybe five minutes, just Tim holding me as I let all my sadness for my aunt flow out. He stayed with me.

" Thank you" I said , moving my face away from him, a small smile on it.

" Of course" he said, a smile now forming on his face too.

I checked the time on my watch, quickly getting up, complete forgetting about twisted ankle.

" Everything ok? " Bradford asked, now standing.

" Yea, probably just tweaked it on my run here. " I said, a small laugh coming out to fill the time.

" You ran all the way here?" He asked.

" Yea" I said, shifting to my other foot again.

" You should get that checked out, ok Chen" Bradford said, concern again on his face, followed by a small smile.

" Yea, ok" I said before starting to head back home.

" Come on " Bradford said, gesturing to his car.

" You really don't have to"

" Come on, I'm not taking no for an answer. I will drive you home" Bradford said, opening the passenger door for me.

" Thanks"

On the way home, we talked a bit about the girls. I hadn't even thought about how they were going to take the news.

" Thank you again for the ride" I said once we arrived at the house.

" No need to thank me, tell the girls I say hi" Bradford said, driving back towards that station, waving bye.

I waved back, turning around and taking a deep breath before walking inside. Lena and Myla running right towards me and into a big hug.

" Hi girls" I said, embracing them.

" Mama, come, show" Myla said, pulling my shirt.

" What did you guys do with your granny" I asked, following Myla as she lead me to the kitchen where a plate of food was waiting on the counter.

" For you" Lena said, the biggest smile on her face.

" Thank you girls, it looks amazing" I said before thanking my mom and saying bye to her.

" Anytime, bye girls" she said, getting in her car.

We ended up settling down for a movie before both the girls fell asleep. I haven't been able to tell them about their aunts death, they loved her to death. My ankle looked a bit swelled, I slowly got up, heading to the freezer and grabbing a frozen bag of peas to put on my ankle. Maybe I should listen to Tim and get it looked at, but not right now. There's to much going on right now. The doorbell rang.

" Who could that be" I questioned, getting up and heading towards the front door.

I looked through the peep hole, it was Harper and Lopez.

" What are you guys doing here?? " I asked when I opened the door.

" Just came to check on you. How are you doing? Well given the circumstances" Lopez said.

" Well good I guess, come in." I opened the door wider, moving out of the way for them to enter.

" Thanks " Harper and Lopez said, walking in.

Authors note: Sorry this chapter took so long to get done. Happy new year everyone! I hope all of you are doing ok. What are your thoughts on the book so far?

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