The beginning

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I was waiting and my phone dinged and I looked eagerly to see if she seen it, then I realized she commented "Ahh thank you luv". I smiled and squealed like a middle school girl, the I replied " your welcome and I hope we can be friends". Now one thing I do know is you have to start by being friends with someone if you want them to be yours is was taking my chances rather I had one or not, anyways after sending my reply I told myself to not to give my hopes up, because girls were always trying to get their shot and I knew that but I couldn't help myself so I went for it. After about 5 or so minutes I seen the tik tok app pop up on my phone so I took a deep breath and told myself I got this and then clicked it. Then I smiled when I seen the answer " Ya we can be friends love" it said and I replied back with "Yay" that's when I knew I took the first step but the real question was could I pull her? So I took it upon myself to dm her. Thats when i got realized i just dmed the most prettest girl i have ever seen in my life and i was kinda scared, not because i dont think she is mean i just dont want to get hurt i guess, i been honestly just staying to myself and i also i got so hurt that i got just learned that you have to be careful with who you trust your heart with. So i dmed char with my number i told her that if she ever wanted to get ahold of me she could, then she did and we ended up facetiming and let me tell you i was a scared the whole time and the first ten minutes i would just show my for head and because i was scared that she would not like what i looked like. after time passed we were really getting along and she was so nice, then thats when i realized that whe had been on the phone for 6 hours is when my heart warmed up because i started feeling like that i had a chance with someone who acted like me a bit, but most of all she was different and not the bad different it was the good kind.

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