• Part 2:Study

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Shiella arrived at her dorm safely,removing her shoe,hanging her bag on the wall,and continue to walk to her kitchen and drank some glasses of water.

"i haven't study anything for tomorrow,cuz of that stupid hoe" she slapped her face to wake her up from her stupidness "come on your not going to just fail becuz of someone who's ugly as a worm"(no offense)

"i need to study, I'll sleep after the exam,the whole ass day,i will sleep,for now i need to stay up,i can do this,you can do this Shiella!LETS GO" she went to her room and started to open some notes to study..


-few hours had passed-

Shiella heard a loud bark to her left and look down to see her dog asking for food.

"Oh shit,im sorry baby,i forgot to feed you,hold on a sec oki?" she went up to get food from the kitchen and came back to feed her dog "eat up Oreo" she tiredly said,petted her dog,and continue to study.

-at morning 5:30 am-

'i forgot to talk to him..'

-chat box-

Jack:babe??are you asleep?
Are you there??

Shiella:oh sorry late reply,i was studying,we need to talk..meet me tomorrow at the end of the class,at the cafe.the usual.

Jack:ah thank god,i thought you died Lol,sure I'll be there.

-end of the chat-


The teacher walks in holding a envelope full of paperworks..her name was Millie,ms.Millie is a pretty tall woman,she's over atleast 5'9 or 5'10,she have red dyed hair and green eyes,and a pale skin.

"ok goodmorning everyone" ms.Millie said,everyone stands up to greet her "Sit now,..did all of you studied?hm~" she jokingly asked and some of the students chuckled,Shiella stayed silent.

"Hmm i see someone over there,being way too silent,Shiella?"

Shiella came back to her senses and apologize,and told the professor that she studied all night and didn't get any sleep "oh wow dont push yourself too much Shiella,anyways goodluck to everyone i will be now giving your exams"

she gave everyone the examination papers and went outside,to do stuffs.


A:as i told y'all i cant do this irl so i just imagine it xD

(I hope you guys enjoyed this lets get to the next part~)

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