• Part 3:Lawrenz

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A:WARNING:suicide,extreme cussing,violence,abuse!!

(lets call him Renz,idk why i made his name long)

Renz made it home safely,when he entered the house,a base came flying across the room.


Everyday,always fighting,and whenever they see Renz,they will spit their anger on him.

"YOU!WHY WONT YOU JUST DIE!?" his mom turned to him making him flinch "w-what.." he spoke.

"I already did everything to put you off and your still alive!" he was shocked by his mom's words "you did..what." he started to cry.

"You did what!?" a voice spooked the 3,it was Renz's brother.

"Son,it was just a mistake haha...come here" their mom pleased,Renz's brother pulled him out of the house.

"Fucking slut" his brother muttered and Renz shooked his hand off of him and ran away.

Renz's pov•

I ran away from my brother's hand,it was getting blurry,my tears were blocking my sight.

I stopped at the corner and texted my friend.

-at friend's apartment-

"thanks" i muttered and Shiella smiled "its nothing" she said and pat me,she's the only one i can think of right now,no one ever asked me if i was okay,but she did.

When she came to pick me up at a high way,i was soaking wet from the rain,she provided me a towel and a hot milk.

It was nice,she is really kind,though i was mean to her..

"So will you open up to me" she held my hand and i told her everything.


'no wonder why he's acting like an ass' Shiella thought after listening to Renz explanation.

"Yeahh..my family sucks,i never asked to be born anyway" he said and Shiella got mad "Dont say that!you're a cool guy,you might be mean but deep inside i know you're a very kind man,so cheer up..ok?" she offered a hug and Renz leaned to her.


"thanks Shiella" he thanked her for letting him stay for awhile and that he'll be going now.

Shiella hugged him and said goodbye 'please dont do anything bad..'

Renz didn't go home,he went to a abandoned building which no one goes to,it was his favorite place.It was not far from Shiella's apartment.

He sat on the edge of the rooftop.
Scanning the town,and smiling.
"I have met a kind lady,thank you..Shiella..for making me feel like someone actually cared for me even if its only one time.."


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