With Equal Delight

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A few days later, the weather began to turn towards spring's typical adornments. It was a rather pleasing day, with warm, unburdened sun but a bracing wind. Iris had begged Barok to take her to the marketplace after meeting with her publisher at Randst. She was eager to see if there were any new herbs for her garden, as well as some other supplies she wished to search for. Barok had gladly agreed.

Iris sat atop Barok's shoulders as they walked. Suddenly she gasped and her hand smacked his top hat, setting it askew on his head.

"Look, Uncle Barry! Miss Susie is here too!"

Iris was indeed correct in her jubilant observation. Susato was walking through the marketplace, looking around, a purple shawl pinned over her pink kimono and a drawstring bag looped over her wrist. Despite her height and slight frame, she was easy to spot in the crowd with her dark hair and striking appearance.

"Miss Susie!" Iris shouted.

Susato paused, her head whipping in their direction. And then she spotted them and recognition came alight in her face. She began to arrow through the crowd towards them, and Barok shifted course to meet her, Iris's heels colliding with his chest as she gave her legs a small, excited swing.

"Good day, Miss Mikotoba," Barok said and attempted a bow, holding Iris steady by the ankles as he did so.

Susato's fingers hovered above her lips, a bright smile overtaking her face. "Good day, Lord van Zieks. You look much taller than I remember."

Iris giggled. "It's a nice surprise to see you, Miss Susie!"

"It's nice to see you as well, Lady Iris!"

"Uncle Barry's so tall, it's like being in a hot air balloon."

"I wouldn't know. I have never been in one before," Susato said.

"Neither have I!" Iris said.

Susato laughed. She seemed to be of a truly bright and cheerful disposition at the moment. It was a joy to witness.

Susato smiled up at Barok and their gazes caught. The fondness in the curve of her lips and brightness of her eyes brought an unexpected surge of warmth to his heart.

"Would you care to walk with us, Miss Mikotoba?" Barok said.

"Oh yes. That would be delightful," Susato said.

"Iris, I must bow before offering my arm. I am afraid...that you will have to doff my hat in my stead," Barok said.

"Okay, Uncle Barry. I'll time it just right!" Iris said.

And as Barok bowed with his typical flourish, Iris lifted the hat from his head, then placed it back down as he straightened.

Susato laughed softly again then accepted Barok's offered arm.

"Thank you for your kindness at the party the other day. I must apologise for being such a poor guest," she said, after they had walked in companionable silence for a few minutes.

"You need offer no apology, for you have caused no offense," Barok said.

"Where's everyone else, Miss Susie?" Iris said.

"Oh, they...had plans. I wanted to come to the market to see if I could find something special to make them when they returned," Susato said.

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