Moments of Warmth

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The sun continued to hold its strength despite the intermittent rains that lashed London that summer. As the weeks progressed, Barok dedicated himself to his work with as much focus and loyalty as he always did, and he often returned home to guests. One day, he even came home to discover Lady Baskerville, Iris, Susato, Gina, and Maria Gorey having a Cadbury Fancy box together with tea.

On the weekends, Barok was either in the company of his friends or entertaining prospective wives, as per Klint's scheduling. Barok made conversation, was polite, did his best to rise to expectation. But his heart was far removed from the task, and he constantly wished for freedom from such engagements.

The company of his friends, however, was a much needed respite. And he found himself more grateful than ever when Yujin was able to visit with him both at the office— even if only for work related matters or small breaks—and while at leisure. Barok would miss the man keenly. Truly, everyone seemed committed to spend as much time as they were able in everyone's society before the Mikotobas left.

In order to ensure that Susato was able to experience London as best as she could before returning to Japan, they dedicated outings to museums, famous parks, and their favourite eateries. And they always made plans the moment the previous outing ended.

One of the outings that struck Barok most fondly was their journey to have ice cream together. Maria Gorey accompanied them for that, as did Gina and Gregson. Barok watched with contentment as Yujin, Susato, Maria, and Iris remained close to one another, discussing the delightful treat they were consuming. Sholmes even made an appearance as well—much to both Barok and Gregson's dismay—and had a marvellous time speaking with Kazuma. Although Ryunosuke grimaced and hunched over frequently while speaking with the detective. Genshin spoke with Klint and Lady Baskerville, and Barok stood with them as well, content to merely observe their friends discovering how wonderful cold cream truly was.

And finally, the Knightleys were available to host them for a day of cycling.

Lady Baskerville had taken everyone out to buy cycling outfits in preparation for the event. Iris looked as adorable as ever in her black bowtie, brown coat, and navy blue bottoms. She did a happy little spin, bouncing on her heels in excitement. And Susato was, of course, a sight to behold. As everyone greeted each other on the Knightley's lawn, Barok could not avert his eyes from her. She had pinned her hair up a bit differently to compliment the hat she was wearing and a small cravat rested against her throat, under a buttoned coat. She smiled at Barok, her gaze sweeping over him briefly. Then she pressed her fingers to her lips.

"It's so strange to see you without your iron-heeled Wellingtons, Lord van Zieks."

"They are hardly necessary for riding a bicycle," Barok said.

"But...they are riding boots, aren't they?" Susato said, holding a finger aloft.

"A horse and a bicycle are hardly the same," Barok said.

"Oh! We should teach our friends horseback riding next!" Iris said.

"I have always wanted to ride a horse," Kazuma said.

"Yes, I have too. At some dojos, don't they teach people learning archery to also ride horses?" Ryunosuke said.

"Hard to have horses in the city," Kazuma said with a sigh.

"In the past, our family dojo gave such lessons," Genshin said.

"I can just imagine it!" Susato said, gesturing enthusiastically. "Mr. Naruhodo astride a horse, firing his longbow. How romantic!"

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