Truth and Illumination

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Mael Stronghart's composure wavered unmistakably the moment Barok entered his office.

"What happened?" Stronghart said, staring at the bandages on Barok's face with evident alarm.

Barok looked at him evenly, his mouth a grim line.

"I think you should be the one to answer that question," Klint said. He walked in a step behind Barok, with Genshin and Lord Knightley at his side.

Stronghart's gaze slid to Barok's companions and his mask of composure returned. "I have no idea why you are all here."

"Because we have sniffed out the truth," Klint said, moving forward to jab the knife into Stronghart's desk, the 'S' shining in the light as the metal shivered from the strength in which it was plunged into the grain.

Stronghart gave a small startle. Then fixed Klint with a hard look. "It is one thing when you destroy your own property, Klint. It is another altogether when you attack an innocent desk."

"Mael. We know. There is no point in hiding now," Lord Knightley said. "I just want to understand why you would do this. How you could do this."

"...I am not the one who stabbed the desk. Nor am I responsible for whatever has befallen Lord Barok van Zieks," Stronghart said.

Barok felt anger swell up icily inside. How. How could Stronghart jest at a time like this? How could he carry on his charade of innocence? It was wrong. It was cowardly. To flinch like this from the truth. It was entirely at odds with the image Barok held of the man.

"Together, we took the men you hired to the Yard. They have given full statements to Inspector Gregson," Genshin said.

Stronghart's stare flicked towards Genshin and his eyes narrowed slightly. "Those in my employ? Were my servants cavorting about in the rain?"

"Shut up," Klint seethed, slamming his heel down on Stronghart's desk. "My brother nearly lost his eye because of you! Iris was terrified because of you!"

Stronghart's countenance darkened, all hints of mockery now absent from his visage.

"Your selfish ambition drove you to betray those who view you as friends. Who respect you highly," Barok said.

"Selfish ambition. That rather describes you," Stronghart said.

"Lord van Zieks is not a selfish man!" Lord Knightley said.

"He is as ineffective as you, isn't he? Although at least he manages to send some people to the gallows," Stronghart said. "Yet I would call him selfish all the same. After all, he longs for an office he has no right inhabiting."

"...So, that is the truth then. You sent those men after me. All for the sake of ensuring I would step down from the running for Lord Chief Justice," Barok said.

Stronghart stared at him severely.

"We have evidence. My son, Susato, and Naruhodo-san are compiling it right now," Genshin said. "There is no escaping this, Lord Stronghart. It is unimpeachable."

Stronghart stared at Genshin for a moment then turned towards Barok. "So these foreigners planted suspicions in your mind, did they?"

"I believe that was my ingenious handiwork," Sholmes said.

Barok startled. He had not seen Sholmes enter, although he knew he was following them to the Prosecution offices. Yet Herlock Sholmes had appeared seemingly from thin air, in the middle of the room. Barok eyed the open window. Could it be...? No, surely it was too high up.

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