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[Authors note] I hope you enjoy this chapter, I didn't really know what to title it so if you had any better ideas- please let me know. SLIGHT MENTIONS OF ED AND SC@RZ

~Kaito Momota POV~







"ALRIGHT LOVE BIRDS- BREAK IT UP!" Miu shouted, pushing the two boys apart.

"Aww c'monnnnn cumdumpster! We were having a moment!" Kokich- Midoriya whined, clinging to Shuichi's arm. The green haired boy immediately stood up straight, covering his mouth with both his hands.

"Oh my goodness- I'm so sorry- I was just so use to- you know! Oh dear! I-I really am sorr-"

"STOP APOLOGISING DAMN NERD!" An angry blonde came hobbling in with crutches and a bandage wrapped tightly around his leg.

"Kacchan! I'm so glad you're ok!" Midoriya smiled genuinely, something we hardly saw in the game, the hero held his signature hat and bandana close to his heart.

"Yeah, we can't say the same thing about you Midoriya! You're legs are completely broken and have petroleum burns covering them! Yet somehow- you're still standing! I don't understand you one bit." Kaede spoke up, realising the situation was rather serious, Midoriya was in such bad shape.

Himiko took his hat from his hands and placed it on his head, leaving it to droop a little over his eyes. Midoriya giggled at the mage, I swear I had never heard him so calm and relaxed before.I turned to see Shuichi linking his arm under Midoriyas to help him stand better, that was until Shuichi nearly fell over trying to carry his weight; Shuichi had a bit of an angry expression plastered on his face. Was he... Jealous? Nope. Not a possibility! Especially not after this whole time- Kokichi was a lie. Shuichi seemed to be struggling with Midoriya's weight. Right! This is my time to be a hero- Kaito Momota Luminary of the st-

"Kaito! C'mon, why are you standing there like that?" Kaede snapped me out of my daydream, only to realise everybody was in the doorway looking back at me, Maki was helping Shuichi carry the green haired liar. A red blush spread across my cheeks from embarrassment.

I hastily followed the group of teens into a different tent where an old woman stood, holding her cane tightly.

"Izuku Midoriya." She said as Maki and Shuichi set him on the bed.

"Ok- I know what you're gonna say an-"

"HOW *Bonk* MANY *Bonk* TIMES *Bonk* DO *Bonk* I *Bonk* HAVE *Bonk* TO *Bonk* TELL *Bonk* YOU *Bonk* STOP *Bonk* BREAKING *Bonk* BONES!" She bashed the teens head in with her cane, as a collective we all flinched for the boy each time the old woman hit him. Midoriya simply gave her a little grin. She rolled her eyes and kissed his forehead. Immediately he collapsed onto the bed.

"H-HEY! W-what happened to him! Is Koki- Izuku going to be ok?" Shuichi rushed towards the liars side, placing his shaky hand on top of midoriya's rather boney one, running his fingers over Izuku's scars. Why is Shuichi acting like this... is he? About to cry?

~Shota Aizawa POV~

I walked in on the medical tent and leaned against the pole outside in the doorway. The detective frantically began asking Recovery Girl questions after problem child had collapsed on the bed.

"That's her quirk kid- it uses that person's energy to heal them- see?" I spoke, walking towards my student and pointing at his rapidly healing legs. Everybody made a little 'o' shape with their mouths.

Geez these kiddos can be so problematic

I brushed the danganronpa participants out of the room for the kid to rest.

"Alright, You'll all be joining class 1A from now on, of course we understand that not everybody here will probably want to be heroes, but for the sake of my sanity, I need to keep a close eye on all of you. We'll be contacting tracing any living relatives you have. Group therapy sessions are on Monday, Wednesday and Friday then every day you will all have individual therapy. Please come to me if you have any issues; unless I'm sleeping, in that case go to Midoriya or another student and they can direct you from there. oh and if you didn't know I'll be your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa."

After Kirishima took them over to the rest of the class who were playing hand clapping games or talking I walked back into the tent.

He seems so malnourished, though muscular, he seems far too slim to what he used to be... I'll be having a chat with him about that.

~Shoto Todoroki POV~

The danganronpa participants walked in the room, Uraraka was teaching Lida and I a hand clapping game. It was very difficult.

Everybody paused to look at the teens in the doorway.

"You. Detective Shuichi Saihara." I said blandly making eye contact with the boy, he looked rather scared or threatened by me... Why? I don't believe I am an intimidating person.

"Y-yes! That's me!" He said, stepping forward stiffly, lowering his hat over his eyes. Similar social retracement method to Amajiki.

"What is Midoriya to you?" I asked, peering under the hat and staring the boy in the eyes. His own golden irises contracted to make his pupils smaller in utter shock.

Bonus: (I don't really know, I thought this was just kinda cute to add in)

~Tamaki Amajiki POV~

"Come at me with everything you've got Suneater!" Mirio shouted, I groaned softly before throwing a weak punch at the boy.

At that moment I felt a shudder down my spine and any form of left over stored up confidence shattered inside me.

~Mirio Togata POV~

Tamaki was about to throw another half hearted punch when he stopped mid swing and a gloomy expression washed over his face. His lip quivered and he wandered over to the wall.

"Tamaki? Are you feeling alright?" I asked him as I began to wander over to him slowly.

"I feel like somebody is thinking negatively about me..." The indigo haired boy immediately opened up.

My face dropped.


Word Count: 1010

[Authors note] Woop woop! First chapter done and dusted, I hope you enjoyed it :) I'm going to try and get the *flourishing* romance in there for all you fluff lovers- anyways-

Thank you for reading, take care of yourself little soundwaves!


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