[3] Forgetting

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[Authors Note] Ummmmmm idk how to feel about this chapter- it kinda jumps and I don't reallllyyyy like the excessive drama in it so I may or may not re-write it all. 

Warning: abuse, swearing

~Izuku Midoriya/Kokichi Ouma POV~

A bright light shone in my eyes. I groaned in annoyance.

"Guys! He's waking up! Kero!" A croaky voice whisper-yelled. I immediately knew who it was. I sat up, rather angrily.

I was on the bus last time I fell asleep... How did I get into my dorm?

I ripped open my eyes to find the girls staring at me. Kaede, Tsu, Angie, all of them. Here. in my room.

"What are you guys doing in here?" I leaned back against my headboard.

"Well we wanted to see how you were doin-"

"WHORE BITCHLET- STOP GOING THROUGH MY SHIT!" I screamed, grabbing a crutch that was conveniently placed by my bed and hurled it at the inventor who was digging through my desk drawers.

"MIDORIYA-KUN!" Uraraka gasped angrily as the crutch hit her directly in the head, knocking the blonde over, sending her goggles flying across the room.

I chuckled lightly rubbing the back of my neck "S-sorry Iruma... Y'know... I keep forge-"

"You know Mido-babe, we're really tired of you 'forgetting'. It's like you're being Kokichi on purpose now! We want our Midoriya back." Mina said with a tinge of irritants in her voice, the other girls with known quirks agreed instantly.

"I don't mea-" I felt clouds of tears form in my eyes as I began trying to explain myself, it was merely out of habit that I lied... maybe sometimes I did it to get what I wanted or to manipulate somebody's thinking... but I really don't mean to lie about little things...

"You're disgusting... trying to make us feel bad for you... sure! You had a mission. It must have been really hard. But it's over now. You don't have to keep lying and you know that." Uraraka spat. I never thought my best friend would say such things to me.

"You... no... you... You don't understand- You're just too stupid to understand something as simple as this!" My lips moved without a second thought. I really didn't mean to! I clenched my fingers over my mouth.

Uraraka stood there, staring at me, tears pooling in her eyes, everybody gasped as if I had shot the anti-gravity quirk user and rushed to her side, consoling her from my words.

"You're a bad friend." The brown haired girl stood there, I was shocked by her words. Am I- Really that bad... I'm sorry... Ochaco if only you knew what was going on with me!

She walked up to me hastily and pulled me from the warmth of the covers, without having the crutches there my knees buckled underneath me and I fell to the ground. The crack of skin against skin echoed through the room and a stinging sensation spread across my face.

Did she just... hit me? Absent-mindedly I brought my hand up shakily to feel where the girl had struck me.

The room was so quiet it was scary, the tension so thick not even a 1000 degree knife could cut through it.

"HEY! WHAT THE HELL- LEAVE THE ABORTION ALONE." Miu stepped in front of me, I didn't even realise that my perhaps now ex-best friend was going to hit me again.

"He called her stupid Iruma!" Mina pointed at me like I was some sort of wild beast who had tried to maul the girl to shreds.

"That... really doesn't justify hitting him!" Kaede chimed in.

"I'll hit him again if I hav-"

"Do you wanna die?"

"P-please... just get out." I whispered over the chaos of everybody now yelling.


"GET OUT. NOW." I yelled, hauling myself up to my feet using the support of the bed and my bedside table. Uraraka visibly jumped at me, raising my voice and began sobbing into Tsuyus arms. The heroes in training left shaking their heads.

The students from the killing game slowly trickled out after realising it meant them too, with one last concerned look from Kirumi, everybody had finally left. I collapsed onto the bed, gripping the sheets tightly, sobbing into my pillow.


A soft knocking came from my door.

"Annnndddd who is it~" I giggled, wiping my tears away quickly.

"It's me... Shuichi? I heard some yelling and all the girls left your room upset, I wanted to check up on you." The detective's voice came from the other side. I looked in the mirror to see if I looked acceptable, my eyes were bloodshot and puffy. Thus the only logical thing to do was of course to dive under the covers and cover my face with the sheets.

"Come in Shumaiiii!" I giggled, the door handle jiggled slightly before opening up.


The footsteps came closer and I covered my mouth to prevent small sniffles from coming out.

"Are you under there?" He asked, I didn't respond.

After a couple seconds the detective sighed and sat down on the end of my bed, his weight making a little divot in the mattress.

"Are you ok?" He asked, his hand grazing the top of the sheets.

"Mhhmmmm" I hummed in return knowing the answer would be unsatisfactory for the hat wearing boy.

"Izuku please look at me..."

I slowly reached for the top of the sheets, my own fingers slightly grazing against his. I pulled down the covers and was hiding my face in my hands.

"I-Izuku! Ar-" I cut the detective off. This is like middle school all over again... but worse.

"Call me Kokichi... please..." I whispered, he replied with a simple 'alright'

"Kokichi... are you ok? Do you want a hug?" He asked softly, placing a loving hand on my shoulder. I felt my face growing red just from the thought of him hugging me. Gosh why do I have to be soft when it comes to him!

I slowly nodded and brought myself up hugging him, silently crying into the crook of his neck.

"Oh Kokichi... It's ok... let it out, I'm here." He cooed softly into my ear, holding me in a soft embrace. It felt so right. So comforting, I wanted to stay like this forever. Until the day I died I want to be by this boys side.

I sniffled and cried into his shoulder until he asked me a question I knew would come up.

"Why do you want me to call you Kokichi?"

I smiled slightly before speaking, letting go of the hug and looking down into my lap.

"Well... Kokichi was strong, he didn't let the emotions of others affect him... Izuku, he- he is weak... he isn't strong like Kokichi is... he doesn't have the wit and pure bliss of freedom to be...a- a kid like Kokichi does." I explained, choking on my words a little. I never realised how utterly quickly I had to grow up being quirkless... I never really got the chance to be a child. Being Kokichi gave me that chance to be a child, and be bold and courageous.

Something weak little Deku wouldn't understand.

"I see Kokichi... So from what you're telling me... it seems like you have some unresolved issues from childhood... When you're ready, you can share with me. Even if it's not ever. I'll be here." The detective brought me into another soft embrace. I took in his warmth and kindness, my face radiating heat as he held me close. I really never knew I swung that way, for boys.

There was no doubt in my mind that I, Kokichi Ouma, am in love with Shuichi Saihara.

Word Count: 1268

[Authors Note] Ayeeeeeeeee im done :D Idk thats all I have to say, Lemme know if you have any questions or anything.

Take care little soundwaves <33


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