[6] In her Arms

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Authors Note: I wanted to start this chapter by giving my thanks to those who comment on my stories. You guys really give me motivation to keep going and to continue writing. Even your little funny comments telling Bakugou to "SLAY" makes my day (P.s Bakugou is a true slayer, my dude popped off in the last chapter) but I don't think this fic will go on for too much longer, I'm trying to conclude the plot happily and bring all strings to a single point 0-0. I hope you enjoy the upcoming chapter brought to you by my running on 3 hours of sleep, 2 shots of coffee and accidentally drinking paint water! (horray!)

~Shuichi Saihara POV~

For some it was an awkward silence but for most it was a time for reflection. Reflecting on the times they mistreated Kokichi. In the game and apparently outside. I couldn't bring myself to break the silence. 

"I use to lie. Funny little pranks like telling everybody our names were switched Kacchan. Remember that?" Kokichi asked laughed as the ash blonde rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue. "But now, I feel as if I'm not lying... It's as if I'm trapped in my own body watching somebody else use my own lips to say such things. Like sometimes I'm not really me, only an entity inside the void of my body." He said biting his lip and looking up, not allowing his eyes leak the tears that so desperately needed to fall. "I don't even know who I am anymore. I want Deku back more than any of you." He looked to his classmates who had a shocked expression plastered on their previously angry faces.

Bakugou simply pulled Kokichi into a slightly aggressive hug which he so evidently needed. Kokichis arms flung around his childhood friend.  Though it was a good gesture I could help it when my heart panged with jealousy. Bakugou made eye contact with me. I gave him a sad smile before he pushed kokichi off himself and aggressively poked his back into my direction. 

"I don't want your nerd germs Deku, go give it to somebody who's already caught your disease." He said gruffly as Kokichi buried himself in my arms. I hadn't ever felt so safe, with his arms wrapped around me and mine around him. I had a very bad feeling that Kokichi Ouma, Deku, Izuku Midoriya; he was no longer an acquaintance, he was no longer a friend... I was so sure I wanted this boy to be more to me and I wanted to be more to him. My thoughts bubbled with sweet thoughts of him. 

"Deku-kun... I never realised somebody could go through something like that. I'm sorry." The brown haired girl spoke softly, she put a soft hand on his shoulder. I felt him tense up and I had an awful feeling the girls apology wouldn't be accepted. He simply let me go and turned quickly, latching onto the anti-gravity quirk user. My brain was baffled but then I thought logically. How could somebody like him ever like a pathetic, nervous wreck like me. 

"Uraraka... of course I forgive you. You're my best friend." 

"Ochako... Please. Call me Ochako." She smiled. "And about that... Do you think I could talk to you alone, later?" 

He hummed in return. He felt so comfortable with her. In her arms, he was so much happier than he was in mine. What made me think he was the type of person to like boys? Of course he isn't, he probably has girls throwing themselves at him left and right. Even if he did like boys, who would like somebody like me?

He was in her arms. He would never belong to me and I would never belong to him. 

The tension in the room quickly left as people scattered, back to their rooms, to their friends rooms or watching a movie about some big buff guy with yellow hair. I needed to clear my mind before one small inconvenience tips me over the edge.

"Hey! Partner!" The all too familiar voice of the luminary of the stars called out to me. "I haven't gotten to talk to you all day! How are you?" 

"I'm fine Kaito... I just need to clear my head a bit." I gave him a small smile. 

"Alright, I'll catch up with you later. Oh! Yeah, Kaede wanted to tell you something so when you get the chance go talk to her." He said putting his hand on my shoulder. I nodded before leaving the dorm building. I needed to get out, into fresh air. The afternoon light hit my eyes. This had been a long day with far too much emotional baggage. 

I was walking along a line of cherry blossom trees. They were far more beautiful in person, only reading about them in books; it felt so surreal watching their petals fall onto the footpath. I noticed two humanoid shadows pressed onto the pavement. I slowed my step and hid behind a nearby tree. I could hear her. I could hear him. 

"Deku-kun... I know I was awful to you today but I've been wanting to tell you this since I first met you." Uraraka said nervously.

"Ochako, you don't need to be nervous, I'm your best friend. You can tell me anything, are you ok? Is everything alright at home?" He asked. Of course he asked if she's ok. Kokichi is always concerned about others over himself. Woah... thats something I never thought I would think. 

If I told myself a week ago that Kokichi is the most caring, kind natured people that I will ever meet I would have  been rolling around on the floor laughing from such a silly comment. But now I've seen it, I can't see this kind hearted boy in any other light than this beautiful cherry blossom kissed sunlight. 

"Deku-kun. I- um... I LIKE YOU!" She shouted, a lump formed in my throat. Please. Don't say it back. 

"Ochako, of course I like you-" I didn't need to hear anything else. Of course he likes girls! And her... she seems. Perfect for him. I started walking away, holding the tears in. Of course he likes her. He's probably in her arms right now like he was before, or maybe sucking her face off... I wish it were me. How do three words hurt so bad? Tears slipped and pooled on my face. God, now I have to go talk to Kaede... I just need to get over him.

I have a bad feeling that getting over him is a lot easier said than done.

Word count:1226

Authors note: AhhHhHhhHhhH. Shuichi don't do this to me! Anywho- TWO POSTS IN ONE WEEK???? MHHHHH you guys are getting fed. You're lucky you don't need to wait another month for this T-T, I'll try but the next chapter out within the next week, I do have school starting next week,  starting year 11! horray! yippee! I'm so excited -_- but I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you guys in the next chapter, (also IK i said it in the beginning but your comments are always so funny to read and litterally make my life 10 times better <3) 

Take care my little sound waves! (all 31 of my followers and to everybody who reads my story xoxo)

-Radio Head 

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