Chapter 3-if only things could stay like this...

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Same warnings as in the chapter before, but than minus the abuse itself.

Also, discription of wounds and stuff.


Tubbo pov-
I heard Dream coming upstairs again after about 10 minutes. I hoped it was only because he was bringing some food, but no... "Oh gosh Dream! He is awake?!", I asked. I hurried over to my brother and hugged him. Dream laid an hand on my head an sighted. "Yeah, he is. He was mad about yesterday... Just some new bruises, nothing more", Dream answered me. He sounded tired. "Hey Dream?", I looked up at him, "did you sleep tonight?"

Dream shook his head. I sighted. "I got us some bread-", I cut him of "bread?! But I thought we didn't have that anymore!" He handed me some and I started eating."We are going to go to the library today Tubbster", Dream told me. "Techno will be there and I think Tommy and Wilbur might be there to." "Yey!", I said excited. Dream smiled at me. "Alright I'm going to my room to pack some stuff and patch some scratches from yesterday. You can pack some stuff to and come to my room after. We are going to be out all day."

5 minutes later I was in Dreams room. It was no bigger than mine and the first in the hallway. His bed wasn't made an there was clothing piled up next to it. His desk was a mess to. I started at Dream while he grabbed his last stuff. "Alright, ready to leave?", he asked me. I nodded. "Alright...", he opened his door and walked downstairs. I followed him. Half way down he stood still. I listened and heard some rustling in the kitchen. Dream turned to me and let me know I had to stay close behind him. He took a view more steps and we both got down. He waved to the door. I went first.

"Schlat", Dream said after I opend the front door. Dad looked at us. I looked at his eyes and they were telling me he was almost sober. "Yeah?", he asked. I let down my guard a bit, but Dream didn't. "We are going to the library and I don't know when we'll get back", Dream said calmly. Dream had slowly came to stand next to me. Dad looked at something, I followed his eyes and saw that they landed on an bandage on Dream shoulder. He made eye contact with me. "Uuh" I said before looking at Dream. "You...", Dream said. "Oh, right ", dad sad a bit sad. Dream grabbed my wrist and pulled me outside. "See you Schlat", Dream said before we left.

We walked a bit I silence when I asked "Dream? Do you think dad remembers anything from yesterday?" "He probably does, not much but he does. I think he remembers everything from this morning, but he was less drunk at that moment.", he told me. I nodded, silence again.

"Do you think he regrets it?" Dreams eyes widened. "Well he does blame me for mom leaving. He for sure regrets it when he later finds out or remembers he hurt you, but in regards te me? I don't think he fully regrets it" Dream said, nothing more than an whisper. I felt shivers go down my spine. Silence again.

We went around the corner and I got an surprise hug from Tommy. "Heya Tubbs! I heard about yesterday... are you okay?!", he asked me. I nodded "yeah, I'm not hurt! Atleast way less than Dream" I said looking at him. Tommy followed my gaze and saw Dream talking to Techno. "Is Wilbur here today?", I asked. "Nope! That simp couldn't come" Tommy laughed. I laughed to.

"Heya Tubbo, Dream told me you got hurt yesterday. You fine?", Techno came up and asked. I nodded. "Okay, thank God. Alright how about we get some food before we go to the library, Tommy and I haven't had breakfast yet.", Techno said. "Heck yes! I'm hungry!", Tommy shouted. Dream and I flinched a bit, but it went unnoticed by the other 2. "Yeah, let's do that!" Dream said. And off we went to an nearby McDonald's.

The fact that it was 10:39 didn't stop Tommy from getting an cheese burger. And I laughed at it. Techno got an milkshake and I got one to. Dream didn't get anything. As we were walking to the library Tommy and I ran ahead leaving Dream and Techno behind. Dream was listening to music and Techno was watching us. After walking a view streets I looked behind me and saw Techno and Dream share his earbuds. I stopped and stopped Tommy to. I pointed to the boys. "Awwwwwe that is cute!", Tommy said. I nodded. Alright, one more corner and we are here.

We were already inside when Techno and Dream came in. He had but his earbuds away and they were talking about fencing. We stayed and actually did our homework untill 1pm before we left and wandered around the citty. "Hey Big D", Tommy started catching Dreams attention. "Eh... how do I ask this... ehm" we came to an stop and we were quiet for a view seconds.

"Are you okay? Tubbo told me you were hit with an bottle that ermm well shattered..." We all looked at Dream. Dream shook his head, "it's nothing. I'm fine" Dream and I made eye contact.

"Alright wait." Dream looked around. The street was empty, surprisingly. He took of his hood and he was wearing an black t-shirt underneath. You could see his arms and collarbone. Tommy's eyes widend. The bandage Dream and I had put on yesterday evening was bloodied. You couldn't see much of the damage but what you could see was shocking. The spots were glass had pierced were big and the blood had clogged on top.

Techno was shocked to but not as much as Tommy. "Oh Dream..." Techno said while carefully bringing his hand towards the wound that was visible. Techno stopped right before he touched it and looked at Dream. He slightly nodded. Techno went over the crust with his hand and Dream winced a bit. Techno pulled back "sorry" he said. "It is okay" Dream reassured him. "Alright are we going to get somewhere now or nah?", Dream said as he pulled over his hoodie again.

"When I said somewhere I didn't mean the park-", Dream said. Yep, Techno and I wanted tk go here. So here we are. "Lets go!", Tommy ran towards a lake, took of his shoes and walked in. I followed him. Before I went in I saw that Dream and Techno went to sit on the grass and there we listening to music again.

If only it could stay this way for ever... I thought.

Alright, after two angsty chapters I was like, "I wannu write sum nice". So I did! :DD hope yall liked it! Cya lovelies!

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