Chapter 2

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-Mishika's POV-

"Dr Mishika,you need to rush to the operation threatre right now. The patient has been shot and he NEEDS you." The ringing of landline broke me out of my trance. What was I thinking anyways? I grabbed all my necessities needed for surgery and went down.
As the lift door opened, I saw Him.

Handsome like the shining edges of a new sword that cuts through your soul. His eyes like a hidden waterfall in middle of a dense forest,powder blue in colour.His long hair falling onto his forehead as his face looks serene and least bothered of the physical pain.
His shirt torn open as a nurse patted the wound with a thick cotton swab. Oh boy! The amount of blood leaking through the wounds made my legs shiver as I pace to catch up with the stretcher. I grab his free hand and my heart skips a beat. They were cold as ice. But I notice his eyes slightly open! Okay Mishika we can work with that. I use this as my cue to keep him from drifting off to sleep. I rub my palms against his,"Hey,Hey! You are alright okay? Just stay awake and soon you will be out of this I promise." His body didn't make the slightest movement in my touch but his eyes turned towards me.Works all the time!

Soon,we were inside the room. The nurse performed all the tests and scans as we prepared for the surgery along with another doctor. After sometime the nurse walked in with the tomography reports. The bullet in his arm cut through a few tissues around and was lodged in between and the bullet in his chest missed the heart by few cms but touched one of his ribs.As we headed towards the operation threatre,someone blocked my way.
"Is my brother alright??He will survive right?? Save him for God's sake!!" A guy looking no different than the patient himself, a few inch shorter with curly hair. Sweat and tears stained his face as he pointed his eyes at my questioningly.
"We will try our best. His organs are safe but he has lost a lot of blood. Now if you will excuse me-" He jumped out of way immediately and we entered the operation threatre.

The operation took an hour almost. I focused on the bullet on his chest while my colleague on the arm. After a few mins of struggle and extreme care,both the bullets were out,the cuts stitched up as the nurses attended to all other necessities. We walked out towards his brother who was now accompanied by two more rough looking guy with heavy beard. He jumped up yet again with pleading eyes.
"Your brother is out of danger.The bullets are out and there isn't much damage in his internals. His body responded to the surgery pretty well.By tomorrow morning,he will be very much awake." I said with an assuring smile. His brother let out a sigh of relief and his stiffened muscle relaxed. The other two guys high-fived and one of them said,"I knew he would make it."

"I am Mason Mancini btw and they are Nick and Jason and he is my brother Michael Mancini." He pointed a finger towards the operation threatre.
"I am Dr Mishika. I am your brother's doctor. Now if you will please assist me to my office,I have a few things to discuss on your brother's case." He followed me upto my office and took a seat while I got rid of all the coverings I was wearing.

After discussing his medicines and health, I sat up straighter. Time for a serious discussion!
"As you see, your brother was shot so it is something to be reported to the police. So before informing the police,it is important to inform the family because they will have to answer the questions." His expression changed within the blink of an eye. Relaxing on the chair and putting one leg on top of another,he pulled out a big bundle of euros from his pocket and put it on the desk. "Accept this, and hush this case. It will be handled anyway but this is the price of your silence." He jerked his eyebrow towards the stack.
"If you think that money can buy me out, you are at the wrong place Mr Mason." I said.
"Nothing money can't buy." He grinned.
"Yes except your brother's life."
There was a long pause as if someone stopped the time.

"You have to understand Mr Mason that I am concerned about your brother's safety. I would gain nothing but you would lose him again."
His expression switched again from strong to soft as if a wave of misery blew over him. It's almost psychotic how he does that.
"I understand that but the people who shot him,are still keeping an eye out for him. If we inform the police,they will get alerted and kill him before he even witnesses the daylight. You can call the cops if you want but just wait until he wakes up and is capable to protect himself." His gaze piercing through me asking for nothing less than an agreement. I nodded but something about him told me he had ulterior motives.

A huge chapter with only Mishika's POV and Michael through her eyes!!!I am not sure if this interests you much but I promise the fun is beginning soon. Please comment and tell me any changes you would like.

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