Chapter 23

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~Michael's POV~

I think Mishika and I will have a serious problem dealing with each other. She doesn't fucking obey me and I cannot leave her out like a free bird. I cannot open the door of my secrets to her. I am not sure what this exactly is between us but I am never letting her go. A knock on the door pulled me out of thoughts.
"Nick,I told you I don't want to be disturbed." I said, almost frustrated for interrupting my thoughts of her.
The white oakwood opened and my mother walked in along with my father.

"Now,now son. Do you really think anyone has the power to stop your mother? Donna dura." My father walked towards the desk,gleaming through his white beard and wrinkled face. My mother jerked his hand and walked towards me. I wrapped her in a tight hug as she kissed my forehead.

"I figured my son doesn't miss his mom so I came to remind him." My mother smiled and sat on the chairs laid out.

"No mamma, I came home after almost a month I just had alot to catch up with." I said as I noticed my mother's wandering eyes. She definitely has some ulterior motives.
"Mom, searching for something??" I said with a curved eyebrow.
"More like someone, all through the drive. She couldn't shutup about your new girl. She has already has thought of a nickname for her."

"Gosh mom, I just brought her home."
Our family had this century old tradition of keeping nicknames for daughter-in-laws. My mother was named "girasole" or sunflower.

"My sixth sense says she is the one. Now call her. I am tired of just looking at her through pictures" My mother's eyes gleamed repeating the same words with much more innocence.

"She is not home,mom."

"Where is she?" Her face droops.

"She is a surgeon,mamma." Mason enters my study and Mom kisses his face.

"A surgeon." Her eyes widen. I nodded.
"Does she..."
"No mom,she doesn't know anything about our real identity or else she would never look at me." The words felt even more bitter than it sounded.

"So you plan on lying?"
"I don't really have a choice."

"You always have a choice,figlio. Yours is an easy choice but wrong on equal parts. Starting your whole relationship based on a lie will only lead to pushing her out of your life sooner. It does not end well." My father cut in.

"I know,I just need some time to figure out but until the time,please don't blurt out anything."
My parents gave me a-not-so assuring nod. I could tell they were not at all happy of this arrangement but I have never found myself so helpless before.
This is what she does to me,puts me in a position where my gangster skills are useless as a boyfriend.

"Next weekend, dinner at our place. And please bring her along." My mother said. My father and Mason left the room discussing some stupid stats.

"la confianza de una persona inocente es la herramienta de un mentiroso. They suspect no guile. Fix this,hijo."
(The trust of an innocent person is a liars tool)

She kissed my cheek leaving her essence of sweet pea,lingering in the air and hygging my chaotic mind.

"Set up my meeting with the investors of the company and we will discuss this with them." I pushed the file towards Mason as he nodded in agreement and collected all the documents. It is a different type of pleasure,here,working in my office.

"Boss" one of the guards opened the study door,trembling.
"I do not want to be disturbed today." I commanded.
"But boss..."
"Get out of way." Mishika pushed the double doors opened and walked in,strutting towards my desk and her eyes definitely piercing me. She came near my desk and rested her fingers on it,leaning forward. Their is something so special about her that I am forced to give her all my attention.

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