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"It's okay to get nasty, just the way that you like"

Alex's POV
I was sitting down waiting for the interview to start. Michael my interviewer walked and smiled at me "hey Alex how are you?" I smiled at him "I'm good just waiting" "thank you so much for waiting! We're going to start soon" I nodded and grabbed my phone out.

Pete was texting because he had to fly to LA for the weekend so he was asking if I had seen his sweater. Truthfully I hated how we were in separate houses but it didn't feel right asking him to move into my apartment when it's really me and Tom's.

I suppose we could go apartment hunting but I really don't want to move. I looked down to see Myron and Toulouse sleeping on one another. They made me happy, and whenever I was with them I felt like I was going to be ok.

Michael walked back in and sat down "alright let's get this started!" "It's Michael Strahan on ABC News here with the beautiful Alexia Valentino!" I smiled and spoke into the mic "hi! I'm so happy to be here".

Michael smiled at me and I sat back waiting for the conversation to start. "So Alex your new movie Endgame and Spider-Man: Far From Home is coming out soon! How do you feel?" I couldn't keep the smile as my face as I spoke "well I can't say much but umm I'm really really excited for you all to see what we've been working on these past few years" "wait did you say years?!"

I smiled "yes Michael! I think we started filming like way back in 2017! So when Homecoming had come out we were still working!"  "So you and Tom were working on 2 different movies?!" I smiled "more like three but yeah" he nodded smiling.

"Speaking of Tom Holland did you know that he currently has a girlfriend?" I looked at Michael and froze. I didn't want to be that ex but the thought of him with someone else made me angry.

"Tom has a girlfriend? Hmm I didn't know that" I tried my best to play it off but Michael didn't get the hint "yeah her name is Sabrina, Sabrina Carpenter" so he is dating that blonde girl! "oh yeah I met her! She came to my party but they weren't dating! How long have they been together?" Did that sound possessive? Jealous? Whatever who cares!

"You know I'm not actually sure but I'm going to guess maybe 3 months after y'all's split" he moved on! I could feel my heartbreaking but truthfully it was my own fault since I ruined us. "Hmm that's nice I wish him and Sabrina all the best!".

Michael smiled and I thought he was going to ask more Tomlex questions but he moved on. "So Alex your new album Adore came out a few months ago how are you feeling?" I leaned forward "well Adore was supposed to come out this year but due to events that were happening it made sense for me to drop it at the end of the year. I'm really proud of it and I'm so happy that it has a few number 1's"

Michael watched me before responding "well you deserve it Alex! I listened to it and I thought it was amazing! However there is a few songs that stick out to me like Breathing!" I smiled but felt my heart squeeze.

"Yeah that song I was really going back and forth with my producers because I wasn't sure if I wanted to release it. The song is about my struggle with anxiety and I was just really scared about how it was going to be perceived" I felt my eyes prick but I continued on.

"I'm so happy that everyone loved it because it was just so personal to me! Anyways I'm glad everyone liked it" I smiled but I was still upset about the whole Tom and Sabrina thing. I'm dating Pete so why am I so mad about him dating Sabrina?

Itsalexactually:  You're such a dream to me ☁️ [Tagged: @petedavidson]1,538,936 Likes  836,479 Comments

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Itsalexactually: You're such a dream to me ☁️
[Tagged: @petedavidson]
1,538,936 Likes 836,479 Comments

user: Stop they're so cute 🥰
petedavidson: ☁️💍
user: This relationship is low key growing on me ngl
user: I'm shipping it!
user: cutest couple 😫
user: Them>>>>>>>

user: Stop they're so cute 🥰 petedavidson: ☁️💍user: This relationship is low key growing on me ngl user: I'm shipping it!user: cutest couple 😫user: Them>>>>>>>

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Petedavidson: You're very pretty 🤩
[Tagged: @itsalexactually]
998,427 Likes  8,926 Comments

user: Pete should leave her
user: I'm feeling the neon!
itsalexactually: I love you ☁️
user: They're so cute!!
user: Tomlex Supremacy!
user: Tom is crying in the corner right now 🤣

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