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"Bought matching diamonds for 6 of my bitches"

Alex's POV
I laying on the limo seats with my head in Harley's lap. She was playing with my hair and I was scrolling Tiktok. We pulled up to the airport and waited for the girls.

After about ten minutes Zendaya and Laura walking out laughing. We got out the limo and I squealed. They ran to us and we did a group hug.

"Ok, Courtney, Njozma, and Victoria are already waiting for us at Chanel so can we get a move on" Harley said walking back to the limo. The three of us laughed but did as we were told.

We pulled up to the Chanel on 57th street and I smiled. "Time?" Victoria wrapped her arms around my shoulders from behind "it's almost 9" I smiled "ok well I told the Tiffany & co people we'd be there around 10 so we've only got an hour in here" I turned to look at my friends but they were already walking inside the closed store.

"Hi I'm Megan! Are you all with Ms. Alexia Valentino?" "Yes" they said in union and then the disappeared roaming around the store. Being a celebrity was hard but it was moments like this that really just made me feel normal.

I joined Zendaya and started giving her clothes to try on. Eventually the other girls caught up to us and then they went to sit on the white couch "ok, Z go try on all of these!" Zendaya rolled her eyes at me "girl are you crazy? This is like 10 different outfits!" I smiled "yes now do a little fashion show!" Zendaya smiled and then went into the dressing room.

I put my head in Harley's lap and placed my legs on top of Courtney. "Can't wait to see Zendaya in all her outfits!" I felt a slight tugging on my ponytail and when I dropped my head I saw Njozma holding it. I winked at her and she smiled.

"We should have brought alcohol" "Tiffany gives out champagne" Courtney perked yo and then Zendaya walked out. "What do we think?" She was wearing black jeans a plain white tee shirt with the Chanel logo and a long grey open sweater.

I smiled "it's kind of plain but you make it work" Zendaya rolled her eyes "this sweater is really comfy I'm gonna get it" I winked at her and then Harley slapped my face. "Get up" I stood up and then slapped her lightly.

"Can we go to Tiffany's now?" I heard Courtney whine behind me. "Do y'all want anything?" They all shook their head no but Zendaya held her sweater "I'm buying this!" "Ok y'all go in the car and I'll stay with Z".

"Cool bye!" They girls all walked out and I went back over to the dressing rooms to get Zendaya. "Z?" I knocked on the door and then she opened it. "What's up Shawty?" "Can I talk to you about Tom?" She gave me a look and sighed.

"Alex please don't" I sighed and face palmed myself "last night I texted him that it was always him but I deleted! I guess I didn't delete it to fast because he responded by saying it was always you too" Zendaya shook her head.

"Alex I like Sabrina and she loves Tom! You have to leave Tom alone" I frowned "I know I do. Let's go buy a shit ton of jewelry and forget about boys" Zendaya laughed "ok".


Tiffany & Co was only a 4 minute drive from Chanel so we got there with lots of time to spare. The store manager opened the door and we walked in. "Hi Jasmine" she smiled "hi Alex!" I walked inside and headed towards the necklaces.

"Jasmine champagne all around keep 'em coming!" Jasmine laughed but went to the back and the 7 of us ran around the store trying in jewelry and taking pictures. "Here you go" Jasmine came back with 7 tall wine glasses and two bottles of champagne.

"Thank you Jasmine" she smiled "anytime I'll be in the back if you need me" I poured the champagne and then we continued on. I stumbled upon the rings and I grabbed the entire bottle of champagne. I downed it and I heard complaints behind me. "There's another one!" They rolled their eyes and called for Jasmine.

I had some drinks upon arriving with the girls so I felt my head buzzing telling me that I need to stop. It seemed that lately all I was doing was drinking. I reached my hand up and snatched my engagement ring off.

"Jasmine?" Jasmine walked over to me after handing out more champagne "yes?" "How much for the ring?" Her brows furrowed "this isn't ours" I smiled sadly "I know, it's mine" Zendaya walked up to me and placed her head on my shoulder.

"I want to sale my engagement ring" Jasmine smiled "well it's beautiful" I nodded "wait... I have another one" I reached into my pocket and grabbed out Tom's engagement ring. "So how much?" She took them from me.

"I'll give you 3,000 for each" I knew both rings were worth more than that but I didn't care. "Deal" she went to the back room and the other girls walked over to me. "Alex are you sure?" Harley asked "yeah it's about time".

She nodded and then Jasmine came back with my money "here you are" "thank you" I smiled and then we started dancing. Courtney and Njozma were twerking on each other well trying and I started making it rain.

Zendaya laughed "well if you're gonna be making it rain" she started dancing and I smiled throwing the money at her and Courtney poured us more drinks.


We've been at Tiffanys for almost two hours and I we were all feeling the champagne. We were laying in the floor and suddenly I felt my eyes prick and then I was crying. All of my girls sat up and then hugged me "babe what's wrong?" I was now crying uncontrollably and I wanted to do was curl up and die.

"Why can't I ever find love? Like good love! Love that's easy, sweet, last forever" Harley kissed my head "because it don't work that way" I stopped up still crying the buzz in my head pushing me forward. "Jasmine? Jjjazome" she walked in and smiled "May I see your engagement rings".

She nodded and took me over. The six girls trailing close behind me. I looked at them and thought of both Pete and Tom "let's face it I wouldn't be a good wife" I let more tears out and I felt 12 hands hold me. "This one is really pretty".

It had a gold band with a single diamond in the middle. "How much?" I heard them gasp behind me "Alex we do— "how much for the ring?" "3,947" I wiped my face and place it on my engagement finger "I want it" Jasmine smiled "is that going to be all?" I was about to say yes when I got an idea.

"Do you have six more rings that look like this one?" She looked confused "let me go check" she walked away to the back and I smiled. "Alex what are you doing?" I turned to face my girlfriends "we don't need to be married or engaged to have pretty engagement rings".

Jasmine walked back and laid out six rings. "They're not exact but they all are very similar" I smiled "ladies try them on" they all took a ring and then I smiled as they placed them on their engagement ring finger. "I want all seven rings" Jasmine looked confused but did as I said.


The limo stopped at Courtney's house and I got out to help her and Njozma with their shopping bags. "Got everything?" They nodded and I smiled "hey Alex?" I turned to see Njozma standing behind me while Courtney was walking up her stairs. "Hey Ninja?" "I think you should write about today! About our shopping spree the rings everything".

I furrowed my brows "no one wants to hear a song about seven girls with matching rings" Njozma smiled "I would" she kissed me cheek and then walked inside. "Seven girls with matching rings" I smiled and went back to the limo with Zendaya, Harley, Laura, and Victoria sleeping on each other. I took a picture of them and then closed my eyes myself.

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