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"You can say I love you through the phone tonight"

Alex's POV
Pete still hadn't come home yet but I wasn't really bothered by it. I knew he wasn't doing anything wrong I just missed him. It was often hard for me to sleep ever since the attack.

I looked up at the ceilings and sighed. I turned on my side and reached for my phone which say charging on my nightstand. I went to Instagram and looked Tom up.

He had posted a new picture of him and Sabrina! I suppose I deserve this since I ruined us. I ruin everything because I was so... so....

"Alex? Babe you up?" I smiled and hurriedly ran out of the bed. Pete was standing in the middle of the room swaying. "What's up with you?" He smiled at me grabbing my waist. He kissed my on the lips and smiled before talking.

"I am drunk, drunk equals hungry and hungry equals Mexican food" Pete looked down at me and raised his arm which held a bag "so, hungry?" I grabbed the bag from him and walked into our dinning room.

I heard my phone going off but I ignored it and focused solely on my fiancée. "Did you have fun Pete?" He took a bite out of his taco before answering me. "Yeah but I missed you so I decided to come home early".

I turned my head to look at the stove. It was only 10:58! "Hmm well I am completely stumped!" Pete looked at me seriously still wait his taco "With what?" "Writing! NASA just came out of me but I haven't had a splurge like that since".

Pete was thoughtful and I watched his face as he forced the gears in his mind to work. "How have you been feeling lately? Like with anything!" Awful and jealous. Of course I could tell Pete that since he was already insecure about Tom.

Even though I knew it was wrong I was still jealous of that blonde girl. I wished he'd break up with her! She was almost the exact opposite of me and yet he chose her! Why though? Because of her hair?

I grabbed a strand of my hair and stared at it "do you think I'd look good blonde?" Pete furrowed his brow "I mean yeah, you're blonde in the Marvel movies" "well not all of them but yea".

Would it be obvious if I wrote a song about my jealousy? How I wanted him to leave her? I stared at Pete who was humming and eating. Yeah it would be obvious and I would hurt Pete.

Hmm I don't want tom to be with Sabrina but I also don't want to leave Pete? What logic is that? I don't want him to see somebody else but I still want Pete.

"Pete Davidson I love you!" I kissed him full on the mouth and ran to our room. I grabbed my notebook and a pencil before going to sit down on the floor.

"Oh Alex this is crazy! You're crazy" my phone continued to buzz and I picked it up. I saw that my Instagram post was blowing up. I unlocked my phone and went to the comments.

The post I made last week about Pete and I was getting attacked with Tomlex stans. If I write this song then I would be hurting Pete and giving Tomlex more. I groaned and shut my phone off.

"Screw the people I need to write this" I grabbed my pencil and started writing.


I woke up in my bed which meant Pete moved me from the floor. I smiled as I felt him next to me. I loved Tom but I was with Pete now and a dumb song about the way I feel right now isn't going to change that!

I was going to marry Pete real soon. I smiled at him before rolling back over to find my notebook. I walked into the bathroom and started reading what I wrote while brushing my teeth. The song feels a bit plain which isn't a bad thing it's just... plain.

I spit in the sink and quickly rinsed my mouth with listerine. I went into the room and grabbed my phone so I could text my manager. You ain't my boyfriend, I ain't your girlfriend

Smiling I went down stairs and FaceTimed Zendaya. "What's up Shawty" I smiled at her "yo I wanna dye my hair blonde! Do you wanna come?" I added Harley in the FaceTime to see her lying in bed with Thomas.

"What up babe?" "Alex wants to go blonde" Harley looked taken aback and Zendaya seemed shocked. Was my reasoning obvious? "Alex blonde is my thing. Why do you wanna be blonde?" I bit my lip to think of a quick lie.

"I really liked it in the movies so I just figured why not, you know?" Both Zendaya and Harley seemed suspicious "ok Alex I'll go with you but you do know that the primere is in two months?" I rolled my eyes "yes I do know that! Now can we go get me blondeified!" Harley smiled but I could tell she didn't approve "ok call me back when you're done".

I smiled "we will!!" Zendaya sighed "come pick me up in 30 minutes" I nodded still smiling. The three of us hung up and I felt pleased. I was going to be blonde... just like Sabrina.


Itsalexactually: I'm blonde and working on new music!! [Tagged: @zendaya]927,529 Likes  83,629 Comments

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Itsalexactually: I'm blonde and working on new music!!
[Tagged: @zendaya]
927,529 Likes  83,629 Comments

user: New music? Blonde? I feel like this is her reputation era!
user: blonde Alex might be my new religion!!
petedavidson: My blonde leaves and you become blonde ❤️
itsalexactually: Still love you 🥰
user: I want to know more about this new song
tomholland2013: Can I still say slay? If yes then slay Ally ❤️
itsalexactually: bye 🤣🤣

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