How you and jack g meet

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Ring ring ring. Y/f/n  just texted you.


Y/f/n:I'm having a party you should come.
Y/n: ok
You start getting ready. You are wearing  black ripped skinny jeans ,a black shirt,a red flannel around your tied around your waist , black sneakers , and a snapback which you wear backwards .

You arrive at the party and y/f/n greet you."y/bf/n is upstairs if you want to see him",says y/f/n. "K"

You run upstairs to see now your ex boyfriend making out with a hoe. You run back down stairs and cry your eyes out on a couch.

"What's wrong ",a really cute guy says . You don't answer . The guy lifts up your chin . Guess who it was. Your long distance friend . "Omg it's you I've missed you so much." You both say.
"So whats wrong",he says . My boyfriend cheated on m.." You get interrupted by very soft lips touching your. "I love you y/n and I always have" , jack says."me too "

Jack later asks you out and now you are dating. Also you ex keep texting you dumb shit saying I miss you but whatever.

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