Chapter 34: Those Who Want Victory, And Those Who Need It

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A/N: Hello everyone! As I'm sure some of you are aware, this chapter's out quite early, as I normally upload on weekends, and I also space my uploads a week apart, but I just updated my other book, Destined To Be, yesterday. Is it because I'm going from weekly to daily uploads? I wish it were so, but no. I've actually got a lot going on this weekend, so I thought I'd get this out early so that I wouldn't need to upload this weekend. So, I hope you all enjoy this early upload, and I hope this chapter's still just as good!

"I've got an idea" Mirio stated, turning to face the trio he spent all his time with, seeing that they were indeed listening to what he was saying, "What if I tip Present Mic, and get him to announce Izuku as the lean, green, fighting machine?" He suggested.

"See the thing is, he'd probably go for that, even though the sports festival is broadcasted worldwide." Tamaki pondered, realising that Mirio's idea, whilst being terrible, was actually possible.

"The fact that it is a nationally broadcasted event is exactly why you shouldn't do that. I already get embarrassed by you guys, I don't want to be embarrassed on live TV." Izuku replied, hoping to god Mirio didn't do that, as he never could be sure that Mirio would stop himself.

"I mean you just being on TV is embarrassing enough, so I don't see how this would add to it" Mirio retorted, causing Tamaki to snicker and high-five his best friend, whilst Nejire punched him in the ribs, glaring at him intensely.

"What? I was kidding, Izuku's not an embarrassment. If anything, your little crush will be jealous of all the attention you'll be getting after the sports festival~" Mirio teased, nudging Izuku suggestively, who suddenly looked away, his blush darkening.

"I'm sure she's not going to be jealous at all, right Izuku?" Nejire asked nonchalantly, realising that not telling Mirio and Tamaki about Izuku's relationships just made all the teasing even more effective.

"Yeah, it's not like we're going out or anything..." Izuku said, his tone sounding dejected and regretful, masking his sarcasm.

"Oh don't worry about it Izuku, we'll get you with her. I mean, you've got Tamaki as a literal wingman, and then me and Nejire!" Mirio exclaimed, unable to see past Izuku's facade. For how perceptive he was in battle, he sure was a goofball socially.

"Thanks guys, but for now, we've got more important things to focus on" Izuku stated, far too excited about the sports festival, as it was all he could think about.

"Someone's awfully eager. It'll be even more surreal for you, since most of the attention this year will be on you guys, and not us third years. Although I guess that's for the best since it means we can have a bit more fun with it." Tamaki replied, seeing just how giddy Izuku was.

"Why is that?" Izuku asked, looking back at Tamaki.

"Well because of the USJ attack, and how you guys handled it, the public and especially the media's eyes will be on your class. Not to mention that heroes are always scouting from the younger years, as most good third years are already in work studies, like us. So all the attention's gonna be on you guys." Tamaki explained, causing Izuku to think about the scale of this event, and just how important it really was.

Nejire could see his look of excitement turn into a thoughtful gaze, as she hoped it wouldn't devolve into a concerned grimace. 

"Even if there is that much attention, don't let it stop you from doing well. At the end of the day, whether the whole world's watching, or it's just one person, you've still got to do your best to win the sports festival, and show what you're made of. At the end of the day, what separates the people who get first place from the people who don't is that the people who want to win, will only do so well, but the people that need to win, they'll do whatever it takes. It's just up to you to decide what winning is in any given scenario, and to put your all into it." Nejire said, calming Izuku down and letting him get back his look of determination.

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