Chapter 11: Another Person I Can Trust

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A/N: Hi everyone! If you read the previous part, then I hope you're excited for what's to come next! I think working on 2 books at a time is the best as it has the perfect balance of new content that also won't bore you because it's not being updated regularly. 

That being said sorry for this chapter coming out late, I've been swamped with work ever since we've all gone back to work/ school. That's to say 'we' as in the general public, not the author/s, since i'm the only one who writes this. I'll try and be more frequent but I guess we'll never know.

Anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter!

All the students were in awe of the power that Izuku had displayed. The building had a huge, gaping hole coming out of the back, with Iida wondering if an there was an earthquake underneath him. Izuku and Ochako's ears were still ringing from the deafening sound the attacks had made. All Might looked at the screen, proud and slightly scared of his protégé. Bakugo could be seen in the rubble, unconscious, his body sprawled out over it, bruised all over from the impact of the attack.

Izuku, after registering what he just did, turned around to see if Ochako was okay, not sure if the impact had reached her as well. "Uraraka, are you alright?" Izuku asked, holding his shoulder whilst looking down at the brunette haired girl on the floor in complete shock.

"Deku that was incredible! I can't believe you did that, you saved me agi-AHHH!" Ochako replied, excited with what had just happened but after seeing the state of Izuku's arm she was in disgust. A deep shade of maroon went up the length of his arm, stopping at his shoulder. As he held his arm he winced, every slight movement inducing a sharp pain all through his arm. It looked limp, like there was no bones giving it any structure. 

"Deku your arm! Are you okay?!" Ochako asked, worried for her friend.

"I'm fine, but i'll need your help to put the capture tape around Kaachan and for the rest of our plan." Izuku answered, still holding his shoulder and gritting his teeth.

"Are you sure?! Look just tell me the plan and wait here, you should rest and let me handle Iida." Ochako replied, filled with the same confidence.

"NO! I CAN'T LET YOU DOWN! not again..." Izuku said, tearing up.

"Deku?" Ochako inquired, shocked by his outburst and following tears.

"Look, I don't want to say you're weak, but Iida is too fast for you. But if he's distracted for even 10 seconds then you can use your quirk on yourself like you did in the long jump and get to the bomb. So i'll distract him while you go for it alright?" Izuku explained, now looking down and wiping his tears, trying to keep his mother out of his head for now.

"I need to focus, I can talk to Nejire later but I need to win this. Come on, we're almost there."

"Okay Deku, but how are we going to get up to the floor that Iida's on? You kinda destroyed the stairs with your attack." Ochako stated, pointing to the gargantuan opening in front of her.

"We can use your quirk, if you make the two of us weightless then we can hover up to the floor." Izuku said, turning around once again. Ochako simply nodded. Jogging over to the rubble, Ochako fished Bakugo out of the rubble and put the capture tape around his arms and legs, propping him against a wall, making sure his posture was correct. 

The duo went to the furthest point they could without falling off, with Ochako activating her quirk and grabbing Izuku by the wrist, the 2 of them began floating up like balloons. Ochako, looking up, saw a pipe that used to be a part of the building now sticking out. Thinking quickly she grabbed onto it with her free hand. She swung herself and Izuku forwards, letting go of his wrist and deactivating her quirk, landing safely.

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