Chapter 36: A Flash Of Their True Power

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As the rest of the competitors finished their race, Izuku took a moment to sit down and catch his breath, as the rest of the participants had come close to finishing now. 

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ochako finishing up, and walking towards him. 

"Hey Deku! You won!!! Well done!" She exclaimed, trying to catch her breath as well. 

"Thanks Och-Uraraka, it's all thanks to my training." Izuku said sheepishly, rubbing the nape of his neck.

"Still, that speed was crazy! You managed to control your quirk though! That's incredible! But just you wait, I'll win the next event for sure!" She replied, getting even more fired up than before. 

"I'll be waiting then, let's see who wins!" Izuku replied, his fighting spirit showing through his words. 

As they conversed, Bakugo looked on with seething rage at his placement.

"Third place? THIRD?!! GODDAMN IT! That shitty Deku mastered his quirk huh? He's not as fast as he could be with all that power, but he's probably only using a small part of it so that his bones don't break. Doesn't matter, I'll make sure they break one way or another."

Todoroki also looked on with contempt, his body's temperature still adjusting after using his ice for such a long period of time. 

"Midoriya... you said that I'm stronger than you overall, but you didn't mention that did you? Things are gonna get interesting now... I'll just have to crush you no matter what."

One by one, the other students huddled together by the main stage, as Midnight announced the next event.

"Congratulations to all of you who completed the race! For those of you who came short of the top 42, you are now disqualified from the rest of the event. As for the rankings, they are as follows!" She proclaimed, as the placement for each of the students was shown on the large screen, with Izuku coming in first, Todoroki in second place, Bakugo in third, Shiozaki in fourth place, and so on.

"Now that the first event is officially over, allow me to reveal the next event!" She announced, a lilt present in her voice, as she tried to sound a bit more alluring than normal, leading the male population in the stands to adjust their seating and slyly put their hands into their pockets. 

"The next event is the Cavalry Battle!" Midnight exclaimed, hearing the murmurs and whispers of all the students, giving them time to collect their thoughts before explaining the rules. 

"Allow me to explain how this group event will work! Participants can partner up in groups of two to four, with a top rider and the other team members acting as the legs. You will all have 15 minutes once the event starts. Each participant will have a certain amount of points based on their performance in the obstacle course. Those who placed near the bottom will have fewer points than those who placed at the top. Once your teams have been made, the cumulative total of your points will be added up, and a headband will be given to each team showing this number. Your objective is to take the headbands from other teams, and the headbands must be worn from the neck up, so the more you take, the harder it is to manage them. Once again, you can all use your quirks, but not to make another team fall over on purpose." Midnight explained, her tone a bit more serious than usual. 

"And now for the reveal of each person's points!" She yelled, as the screen started at the student in 42nd place, and went up to first. 

As the screen scrolled up, Izuku's heart sank to the bottom of his chest, as his points were revealed. Instead of a 5-point increase from Todoroki's 205 points, his points jumped up to 10 million. He felt the stares of every student, teacher, and audience member, with all his peers targeting him since he was their golden ticket to the final event. Taking his points away would be the only thing they needed to do to win. 

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