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Izuku Pov

The family dinner was really fascinating. Zuri was constantly inquiring about my scars and how I got them. Lamarcus was so laid-back that he reminded me of my own younger brother. Miss Summers was very nice, and I believe she liked me, which is a good sign. Mister Summers reminded me of my father when he first met my friends, and I'm sure he'll warm up to me soon. "So, Izuku, where did you get those scars on your hands?" Zuri inquired, pointing to my hands, which I was inadvertently tracing. I discovered that it was a form of comfort for me. "Oh, these are from training, and a few are from bullying." I'm not sure why, but I smiled as I looked at the scars; they serve as reminders of what I've been through to get to where I am now. "really? Who would bully such a sweet little boy as you?" Mrs.Summers said as she sat next to me on the couch. "Oh well, I had this friend with whom I was basically born friend; we were like glue. Until I didn't get my quirk, and he did, it was powerful, so he let that power go to his head, making him look down on everyone, and I became his main target." I could feel all their stares, but they didn't hold that pitiful look that I always had; they held something deeper than that understanding and care. "But I changed, I got my quirk, and now he's beneath me, along with that cheating- she ain't even worth mentioning. " They then all came and hugged me. It felt like I was back at home; it was warm and inviting, and all I could do was hug them. It felt like I was home again. It was warm and comfortable. I could only hug them back. It felt good to be hugged in this way. "I appreciate you telling us. I'm sure it took a lot out of you to do so. " Mrs. Summers said, patting my hair like my sister does when she wants to comfort me. It felt nice to have a place that reminded me of my own family.

Narrator pov

"Thank you; I needed that." Izuku smiled as they backed away from the hug, but Layla didn't because she didn't want him to see the tears on her face, even though he could feel them. He drew her closer , soothingly rubbing her back; they didn't seem to mind because they didn't say anything to Izuku, instead opting for some alone time in the kitchen. Izuku rested his head on her shoulder, still moving his hand up and down her spine , asking, "Are you okay, princess?" She nods against his shoulder. "Are you sure? My wet shirt says otherwise. " He laughed as she hit his arm. "Are you really okay?" she asked, pulling back as she tried to wipe her tears only for Izuku to do it for her as she leaned into his touch.

"Princess, I have you and your family as well as my own. As he drew her in closer, their foreheads touched. As he drew her in closer, their foreheads touched. "You'll always have me in your corner," she said, placing her hand on his cheek as if he were. "I love you, princess." He gently kissed her nose, making her smile as she reciprocated. "I love you, my love." They both laughed before returning their gazes to one another. He returned her gentle kiss on his lips, and although it wasn't much, it was sufficient to convey their developing feelings for one another. Izuku withdrew after spotting the heads of Summer's family peering over the corner. "We can finish this later, how about we go eat something?" he said as she got off his lap, holding his hand as they walked to the kitchen.The rest of the night went as smoothly as butter. The night was made even more enjoyable by Izuku's laughter and games with the family, but eventually it was time for them to leave because of their early morning classes. "Izuku, it was great to have you over." He hugged her back as she said this, and he did the same. "You are a good young man; please treat my daughter with respect." Izuku had to hold onto his shoulder a little bit as a result of Darius's forceful pat on his back. "I will." He smiled comfortingly at him. "When you get back, I'm going to beat you in Mario Kart." Lamarucs exclaimed, holding his Nintendo. Izuku just smirked and stuck out his tongue. "Can I do your hair the next time?" Zuri enquired. Izuku lowered himself to her level, saying, "I'll even let you paint my nails." She hugged him with a smile. "You're amazing, Izuku," she said, making him smile. They all said their final goodbyes as they walked towards Izuku's car, with him opening the door and them getting inside. "Well you guys have a wonderful rest of your evening, we are going to be going now."

"Oh my god, I can't wait for you to meet my family." Izuku said as they drove out the driveway shocking Summer by the sudden confession. "I guess we are going to have a busy week." Summer said leaning back into her seat as they drove to Izuku's apartment looking out the window of bustling nightlife calming to the point of sleep which only made Izuku smile as he looked over at her "My Princesss."

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