Part six

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Narrator pov

Izuku was sitting in class tapping his pencil against the table as his mind wondered not focused on his surroundings but not unaware. When he saw a flash come from behind her placed his head down dodging the explosive fist coming at him. "Woah! What the hell Bakugou!" Mina shouted pushing the blonde back. "Tell your little bitch to keep fucking big ass mouth shut! Or next time it won't be you but her bitch ass!" Katsuki shouted. Izuku stood up slowly his eyes darkened as he turned to the blonde who was still tapping at the mouth.

He walked over to him gripping him by the throat making him shut up instantly as he slammed him threw a desk and into the floor. This alerted their sleeping teacher who stood up instantly ready for action. Izuku with his hand still on the blonde's throat pulled him up and began walking practically dragging him behind him. "Izuku- Shut it." His eyes told one how dangerous he was in this current state. They could only follow and watch as to where the male would dragged Katsuki to. This alerted me any others as they stood at their doors and out of the windows watching as he went into the support course lecture hall.

It was dark as the only light on being the ones illuminating the stage. It was their weekly invention conference where they talked about their inventions or new technologies in the developing stage. But the bright light coming from the room has everyone turn their heads. Izuku walked down the stares and to the stage where threw Katsuki on. "Layla sweetie can you please come to the stage." His voice sounded so soft and sweet. Layla stood up and walked to the end of the stage as he easily lifted her onto the stage. "You loser piece of shit I am going to kill you!" Katsuki yelled after stopping his coughing fit.

"Katsuki." His voice was cold and empty as if sweet and lovely Izuku had died and was replaced by something more dangerous and dark. "Layla sweetie. Katsuki would like to apologize for some of the offense things he said." Isuku said the light in his eyes returning. Layla turned her head to look at Katsuki who held his scowl. "I ain't got nothing to say to the that whore!" He shouted explosions popping from his hands. His shouting fit didn't last long till he was knocked to the floor. Izuku towered over his before sending repetitive punches to the blonde's face breaking his nose, busting his lip, giving him two black eyes, and a knot on his forehead.

His hand hand blood on it from breaking his nose and lip as well as his peeling skin. He finally stopped it was almost impossible to stop him. He wasn't using his quirk it was just raw strength and he was calculating their was no certified way to know what he would do. Plus he knew everyone's weaknesses and how to use it against them. "Now Katsuki your going to say your sorry and your going to fucking mean it or the next time I see your bitch ass it will be on sight. Because you think I fucked you up now you ain't seen nothing yet cause I will make you wish you were never fucking alive." He said slamming the male's head into the stage.

He stood up lifting him by his hair as he pulled him over to Layla. She sat kneeled at her feet tears falling from his face. "I-I ama sorry" he said his head being held up as he looked up at her. "About?" Izuku questioned "I-I am sorry for c-calling you a bitch. I-I won't do it again please forgive me." He said letting out a shaky sob. She looked down at him sighing as she accepted the apology. He thanked her quickly before he was taken off stage and rushed to recovery girl. Izuku helped her down the stairs. "You have a nice rest of your class. I might be late to lunch today so just wait with the gang okay?" He said as he was handcuffed and being taken out by All Might.

She nodded sitting back into her seat bitting her pencil. It sucked for Bakugo but she found it kinda hot. While Izuku on the hand was brought to the hero conference room where many of the teachers stood looking at him disappointed not his teacher though he looked somewhat proud of you could get past the dead look on his face. "So Izuku? Why did you beat up on your fellow classmate?" Nezu asked he knew why but he wouldn't tell anyone that. "Cause he called my girl a bitch and no one calls her a bitch." He said staring dead into the eyes of the rat satan who only chuckled.

"Interesting. I really must know why didn't you act like this with Uraraka?" Nezu asked sipping on his tea. "Nezu why- Because when I was with her their was nothing but money and sex on her mind she didn't care about anything else not even me and I knew that but denied the fact. But with Layla I know she cares about me and how I feel. Yes the sex is great and I mean great but she cares about me and always gives me the same energy I put into her." Izuku said cutting off Hisashi. His pupils dilating as he thought about laugh a cheesy smile growing on his face.

"Aww he's in love." Midnight said as she leaned against Aizawa who didn't do anything but wrap his arm around her Hisashi doing the same leaning on her shoulder. "I remember falling in love for the first and second time." He said taking a peek at the two dark haired people with a soft smile on his face. It wasn't public but it wasn't private that the three of them were dating you just had to look at the signs or ask. "So that still doesn't give him the right to do that to another student." All might said slightly angry. "All might you have no room to talk. Didn't you sleep with red white and blue all because you wanted to make Enji jealous since you knew he had a crush on her before he married Rei?" Izuku asked titling his head.

The room went silent. All eyes where on All Might who was sweating bullets. "I don't know what your talking about." Yagi said his voice shaky. "You went to the four seasons in Dubai where Enji was taking Rei to apologize for being such a shitty husband I would know I helped him as his therapist. He then saw the both of you go into a room together and when he and Rei went to say hi they heard moaning as you purposefully left the door open. Rei even said that she saw the smirk on your face as you looked at the both of them. I know since I counseled the entire Todoroki family even the villainous son who is slowly transitioning from it."

Izuku sat back in his seat not before breaking free of the handcuffs placing them onto the table. Everyone looked flabbergasted. "And you made Enji out to be the bad guy for wanting a rivalry with you because it was a good publicity stunt for you even if it hurt his reputation. Also you have a higher death rate than him by three times and it isn't common knowledge because who would believe that the number one hero killing so many people even by accident?" Izuku asked. "Thank you for bringing this to our attention Izuku your free to go." Nezu said his eyes still on the deflated male.

Izuku got out his chair making his way out to the cafeteria where he knew the others would be. Which not to his surprise they were sitting at a table eating a extra plate seated next to Layla who was chatting with Mina while looking and showing her something on her phone. He walked over catching their attention. "So did you get in trouble?" Shoji asked as he sipped on his fruit smoothie. "Nope just deflected the attention somewhere else." He said as he sat next to Layla his arm around her waist leaning on her shoulder. They talked for a while laughing and having a overall good time before they had to class.

1425 words

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