Chapter 11

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I woke up to an empty bed, Helena must already be up. I pulled myself together and got out of bed. 

As I walked down the stairs I could smell bacon and pancakes. It made my stomach rumble. 

"Goodmorning Hellie" I smiled, taking a seat at the breakfast bar. "Morning button. Did you sleep better last night?" she asked, placing a plate down in front of me. 

"Much better, thank you for last night" 

"It's no trouble sweetie" she giggled. "Eat up sweetheart! There's someone I need you to meet" she smiled. "Is it someone from social services?" I asked, a little worried.

"No darling, don't you worry" she said, kissing my head before going upstairs to take a shower. I ate my breakfast quickly and then went upstairs to change. 

I decided to wear my black pinafore dress with a white long-sleeved top underneath along with my docs. 

When I went downstairs, Helena was sitting waiting patiently for me.

"You look lovely love" she smiled, pulling me into a hug. "You don't look too bad yourself Hellie" I giggled, she lightly pushed my shoulder.

"Where are we going?" I asked when we got into the car. "You'll see button" she smiled. 

She began to drive and it wasn't long before we arrived. "Here we are" she smiled, putting the handbrake on and turning off the car. "But Helena, it's a pub?" I asked confused.

"I know love, there's someone waiting for us inside" she laughed. She grabbed my hand and led me inside.

She scanned the room for someone but I saw a man wave us over, "Hellie, I think they're over there" I gestured over to the man. "Ah yes! Well spotted button" she smiled.

We walked over and joined the mysterious man. He hugged Hellie and greeted her before shaking my hand. "Y/N sweetheart, this is my agent, Carl" 

"Pleasure to meet you Y/N!" Carl said with a bright smile. "And you" I replied a little nervously. 

"Carl, do you want to explain or shall I?" she asked him. "You explain Helena" he grinned.

"So sweetheart... as you know I was in Oceans 8 right?" I nodded with wide eyes, with a small idea of where this was going. "The producers want to bring out a sequel... Oceans 9. We need a ninth cast member so are you willing to-"

"YES!" I almost yelled. "Button, I didn't even finish my sentence" she chuckled, making Carl laugh too. "Sorry Hellie" I whispered a little embarrassed.

"I mean you already know what I was going to say but would you like to be cast in the film?" she smiled. "Hellie, you know my answer!" I laughed, wrapping my arms around her. 

"Perfect! That didn't take much persuasion" Carl chuckled. "I promise you she won't let you down, Carl. As you know I was a teacher and Y/N was one of my students. I saw her potential and I know that she will be the perfect candidate for the film" Hellie smiled. My face lit up hearing her talk about me like that.

"That's really great Y/N! I understand that you are only fifteen but the role is yours if you really want it" Carl smiled. "I would be honoured really! Thank you both for this" I smiled, hugging Helena again. 

"Well, it's settled then! Welcome to the film industry... Ruby Weil- Kluger" Carl said, shaking my hand again. I looked at Helena with wide eyes, "Weil-Kluger? You mean... you mean Rose and Daphne are?" 

Helena nodded, "yes, we wanted to give the public what they wanted. Rose and Daphne are together and they adopted a child... which is you" Helena laughed. 

"I can't believe it!" I cheered. Helena just looked at me in awe. "Thank you so much for meeting with us Carl. We will see you later" Helena said goodbye and I thanked Carl once more.

"Come here kiddo! I am so happy for you" he said, hugging me. I really like Carl, he is such a kind man and doesn't treat me like a child. I can't wait for this!! He gave me my script before he left.

We left the pub and Helena got back into the car. "There's one more thing I have to do before we go home, okay button?" I nodded and she drove off.

We pulled up outside an adoption centre. I couldn't believe my eyes. "Helena wait! Are you serious?" I asked her concerned. "Yes, my little button. When I said I would figure it out, this is what I meant. I want you to be safe and happy. This is only something I want to do as long as you are alright with it" Hellie smiled. 

"Helena I- I don't know what to say. This is the best thing anyone has ever done for me" I smiled, hugging her. She placed a kiss on my forehead. "Well then, are you ready?" she asked as we got out of the car. I nodded.

She grabbed my hand and we walked in together.

The process was simple. I had to explain why I left my sister and that the authorities had taken her away. They had to do some checks on Helena but thankfully, all was well. The papers were signed and I was officially Y/N Bonham Carter! 

We exited the building and I felt like a different person. Like I was free. 

I turned to face Helena. "So?" she said. "so" I whispered.

"What do you think? I reckon Y/N Bonham Carter has a nice ring to it" she smiled. "Helena Bonham Carter... thank you. Thank you for everything you have done for me. You put yourself in danger to protect me, you cared when no one else did. You are the one I can come to when I feel scared or when I don't want to be alone. And now I finally have a mum again... I love you so much mum" I let a tear fall down my cheek.

She knelt down and wiped away my tear, "you just called me mum" she whispered, a tear now falling down her cheek. I nodded, wiping away her tears. "You are my mum now" I smiled through tears.

"I love you my little button"

"I love you more mum"

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