Chapter 26

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When I woke up the following day, everything felt normal. The whole ordeal was over. Bonnie is still where she belongs, rotting in prison. I hopefully won't hear from Elise again.

Although my life has gone back to normal, there was a strange atmosphere in the house. I can't quite explain the feeling. It's almost like the piece of the house that has been missing has finally returned.

It wasn't until I heard the familiar laugh that I knew what had returned.

I didn't bother getting ready. I just flung my bedroom door open and raced down the stairs as quick as I could.

I saw the mass of curly brown hair on the sofa and I almost screamed.

"MUM!" I yelled. Jumping on top of Helena, seeing that she was finally back. 

She immediately hugged me as I flung my arms around her. "Hello, button! I've missed you so so so much" she laughed as she almost squeezed me to death. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming home?" I pouted, pulling away slightly from the hug.

"I wanted it to be a surprise... and it most certainly was!" she chuckled. I hugged her again, never wanting to let go. "Promise you won't leave me again" I whispered.

"I promise you button. Next time anything like this happens, you're definitely coming with me. Then, I can keep you safe" she smiled. 

"Sarah and Cate told me everything. They said they overheard you yelling at someone over the phone last night. Do you want to talk about it?" she asked.

"Oh, that was Elise funnily enough. She wanted to apologise but I wasn't having it. I told her never to contact me again" I said sternly, thinking about her.

"It's probably for the best love" she said sympathetically. "I know Mum. I can't believe she would do such a thing" I sighed. 

"I know love... on a lighter note, would you like to go out for breakfast?" she asked me. "YES!" I yelled appreciatively. "Great! Go and get dressed and we can go" she smiled. I didn't have to think twice, I quickly ran upstairs and got changed. 

I decided to wear some mom fitting jeans and a grey flannel shirt over the top of a black tank top. I threw on my converse and let my hair flow loosely over my shoulders. 

"I'm ready mum" I smiled. "Great" she said. We walked out to the car and got in. 

"Do you fancy going to Denny's?" she asked, smirking. "ABSOLUTELY!" I yelled. "I thought you might" she laughed as she began to drive. 

We arrived, sat down and ordered in no time. "So what have you been up to while I was away button?" she asked me. I figured that now was the time to tell her.

"Well. I spent a lot of time with Sarah, and I spoke to her about something that I need to tell you" I sighed. "What is it, love?" she asked with a reassuring voice.

"Promise me you won't look at me any different" I whispered. She looked at me sympathetically. "Y/N, I promise you there is nothing that you could possibly do that will make me see you any differently" she smiled, placing her hands on top of mine. 

With a deep breath, I said, "mum... I like girls" and I immediately looked down, not wanting to see her reaction. 

I felt a finger under my chin. Helena lifted my face up so that I could look at her. Her eyes were loving and she didn't look angry. "I know button" she smiled.

"You know?" I asked, a little shocked. She nodded, "I could tell already love. It's the little things that I have noticed... how much you get along with everyone, the way you talk about Sarah and Cate, the fact that you never talk about boys" she chuckled. 

I grew embarrassed. "Button, there is no need to be embarrassed. I am so proud of you for telling me this. I know that it's not easy" she smiled at me. "Thank you mum" I sighed happily. 

"Anyway, since you brought it up. Have you got your eye on anyone at the moment?" she asked me. I chuckled softly before answering, "no, not really. I'm just focusing on building a career and being with you and everyone else for now. I think I might just wait until the right person comes along" I smiled. 

"That's good! When you do find someone, please don't hide it from me. I'd love to meet whoever it is that makes you happy button" mum said making me smile widely. "Of course, I won't hide her mum. I want to be able to tell you everything" I smiled.

"Have you found anyone?" I asked her. She gently shook her head. "I'm not particularly looking for anyone right now. You're all I need button" she said, grabbing my hands and giving them a gentle squeeze. "I love you mum" I whispered. "I love you more my precious little button"

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