◃◂ dress up game ▸▹

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"If you didn't became an assassin or a supeehero, something like that. What would your normal job would be?" I asked the girl laying beside me on my bed.

Her arms were wrapped around my waist with her head on my chest as she looked up at me to answer my question. 
"You're asking me this now?" She asked, I didn't know if she was sarcastic so I went on.

"Oh, no, I'm asking your soul -- right, wait, you don't have a soul," I shot back making her glare at me, "I'm kidding," I restrained myself from smiling as we both stared at eachother.

"You're going to regret that," she stated without blinking but before she could do anything else, I stood up and distanced myself from her.

"I won't," I insisted and she slightly tilted her head to the side.

"You will," she nodded making me laugh.

"I told you I won't,"

"You will,"

"Nope, just answer my question," I pushed as she slowly walks her way near me, she finally smirked.

"You'll see when we get there,"

"Get where?"

And then the next thing I knew, she dis something the next day.

I was still on my beroom, reading my book like every morning. Natasha was akready up since her side of the bed was empty and cold, which is odd since she never wakes up earlier than I am.

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," I called out, without looking up to see who it was.

"How did you sleep sunshine?" It was Natasha's voice.

I looked up from the book that I was reading only to see her standing with a Police officer costume, fitting her every curves with every little detail. Her shirt was cut in a deep V-neck, showing a bit of her boobs, tucked in from the pants that she was wearing, paired with black boots that looks expensive.

"Babe, what are you wearing?" I asked trying to take my eyes off her chest.

"You asked me last night, so here it is," she replied casually.

"I asked but I didn't told you to dress up like one." I shot back.

She picked up something on her belt, showing it to me and it was a pair of handcuffs. "Your punishment and pleasure," she smirked making you laugh.

"Now, go in position," she demanded.

I scrunched my nose at her, getting to position, "You are so bossy."

"Which you love,"

"Yep, I love you."

Then every morning was like that, she dressed up as a Lawyer and we did it on the table, she dressed up as a bartender and we did it on the bar of the compound (no one saw that), she dressed up as a Business woman and we did it on the elevator, she dressed up as a professor and we did it on the study room. But when she dressed up as a Cow girl with the whips in hand, god, it was the best morning of my life.

"Good morning, sunshine," I heard her say, still with my eyes closed. "I made you something," she slowly added as I could smell something.

"Is that...bacon?" I opened one of my eyes. "And egg?" I immediately sat up as soon as everything went to realization.

Natasha was dressed up as a Chef, I shook my head in amusement. "I don't think a Chef suits you, you're a bad cooker," I teased, arching an eyebrow as I watch her sit next to me.

"I need you to eat," she stated.

I looked at her with a smug look, "Eat you would be nice," I shot back causing her to crack a small smile before she shot me a serious glare.

"Y/N, I need you to eat, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, " she replied.

"You're a nutritionist now? Wow, how did I get so lucky to have a chef and nutritionist all at once?" I mused and she couldn't help but to blush, "Maybe a Janitor next time so we'll do it in the shower or in the floor."

She thought for a while, "How about your personal driver so we can do it on my car?"

I playfully rolled my eyes with a small giggle escaping me lips, "I'm eating now."

Half A Heart [N. Romanoff × Female Reader] ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now