◃◂ a simple noise ▸▹

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Ha! Welp, it's me again with another oneshot


Some of you out there have phobias, right? Which makes our mind thinks of different things and most of the time it expands to unthinkable thoughts and we end up in a situation that is hard to run away from.

Just like this one.

You were in a deep sleep alone in your apartment which you used to share with your girlfriend, none other than Natasha Romanoff.

Now, you might be ondering why she isn't here or why wasn't she sleeping next to you. The thing is you two were on a break, there has been a little misunderstanding which led you to overreact to throwing her out to the streets to somehow give you some space and she did, and now she hasn't been home for over three weeks now, and you also admit that you do miss her more than you think you'd do.

Suddenly you got awakened by a loud noise which caused your head to spin. You sat up on the bed, frantically looking around as if to check if someone was there, and out os consciousnes you called out a name.

"Natasha?" It was silent but it sure as hell echoed around the room, making yiur stomach twist in a knot when no one responded. Your hand felt the empty space next to you and you felt how cold it was, causing your whole body to ache to the missing warmth.

A few more minutes later, there was another loud noise coming from outside, immediately startling you as you screamed while covering your ears with your hands.

Problem is loud noises was yyour phobia, it gives you series of flashbacks from your past and majority of the time is that you end up with a tube in your mouth for passing out and right about niw you feel as though you couldn't take it anymore.

You gathered the thick duvet, covering your small frame as you hid under it, but it was no use since you could still hear the noises.

With your heart in your hand, you made your way to the bathroom and immediately sat down under the shower as you turned on the water, and even though it was freezing cold you couldn't care less becaue all you could think of is dying.

"Stop," you mumbled over and over, rocking yourself back and forth while covering your ears, "Please make it stop."

Tears were now pooling your eyes, fogging your vision before it comoletely touched your cheeks with the feverish yet cold and dry salty waters, mixing with every drop as it went straight to the drain.

Your sobs was the only sound going around the empty place but the only thing that you could hear was multiple voices and screams that only stayed inside your head, hidden and unheard by anyone but you.

"Y/N?" You heard a voice, overlapping the one in your head, but you weren't sure if it was even rea. "Baby, where are you?" The voice continued but you couldn't focus.

"Stay away from me," You whisper-shouted, eyes completely shut in the darkness as your breathing begins to cut out and you couldn't breathe. "Shut up, please," you begged quietly.

And then, you flinched. You felt a pair of warm arms, pulling you from under the shower and securing you in their hold.

"It's okay, I'm here, I'm home now, It's gonna be okay, детка," You recognized the voice, it was Natasha, reassuring you like she always does, because of course she knows you were scared and she also knows about your phobias that doesn't go away easily and no matter what words you'll say, she will always be here, making sure that you were okay and safe.

"Nat?" Your voice slightly trembled, finally opening your eyes to look at your redhead. "You're here," You weekly smiled, meeting her in the eye.

"I'm here," She repeated, before carrying you in a bridal style, taking you back to your guys bedroom and taking care of you.

She then laid in bed next to you, pulling you in her embrace while softly stroking your damp hair.

"Don't ever leave again," You croaked out, "No matter what I say, don't leave me, ever," You stated firmly and she slightly chuckled.

"I won't, детка," She replied, pecking your forehead, but then you whimpered when another noise echoed in your apartment and Natasha already has her arms around you tightened with a pillow above both of your heads and you locked your eyes with her for comfort. "It's just a simple noise," She whispered as her hot breath circled in between you two, making you smile.

"Thank you," you mumbled with a sigh of contentment.

Half A Heart [N. Romanoff × Female Reader] ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now