◃◂ "you never came back" ▸▹

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Let's just start in an argument cuz it's easier and I'm lazy -_-

"Nat?" My voice came out with a mix of shock and despise.

There she was, standing outside our house after disappearing for two whole years without even saying goodbye or for whatever reasons why she left, the balls of this woman is just unbelievable and fucking predictable.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I spat the words, blocking the doorway so she won't barge in since that's what she always do -no, wait- used to do, past tense.

She made a small apologetic smile, "Is there no 'hi' or 'hello' for me?" She sort of teased but I just rolled my eyes and arching my eyebrow at her.

"Go float yourself," I commented making her fall in a curious manner.


"You left me, remember?" I deadpanned and she seems to be taking a deep breath, uncomfortably shifting to her feet since she was aware of it.

"But, I came back didn't I?" She speaks positively.

"What the hell are you talking about? You didn't came back Nat and you didn't just leave," What I said seems to be adding up to her guilt as she can't even look me in the eye. "You disappeared like you never existed in this world, you didn't call or text me, or send a simple letter, I couldn't reach you, and I tried talking to your friends but they don't say a thing - even just for one thing, but nothing, all of their mouths were shut, the news didn't talk about you, I couldn't find you anywhere, no papers, no proof that you ever came in this world." I said all in one breath, tearing up just for a mere second before she looked me back in the eye.

"I'm sorry--"

"One word Natasha, just one," I pushed even more, cutting her off everytime she talks. "I'm your wife -or I was- and you didn't tell me anything, which I deserve to know because I was there ever time you have something to tell me, but this time you chose to hide it from me, and it fucking hurts to know that you don't trust me enough."

"Hey, no, I do trust you," she stepped closer and I let her because deep down, I missed her, I wanted to hug her, but somehow my emotions are in the way and we have problems to sort out.

I shook my head, "You don't, at least not enough to tell me that my life was in danger because of you, that our marriage was in danger because of your job, and I know that you fixed it, but you kept it hidden thinking that I wouldn't find out." I stated looking deeply into her eyes. "You think so little of me."

"I think too much of you," she corrected, "And I did everything to protect you." She smiled, cupping my face in her hands while gently stroking my cheeks.

"But the one thing that you failed to do was coming back to me."

Half A Heart [N. Romanoff × Female Reader] ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now