the heart thief - |09|

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I was trying hard not to fall asleep. I was, but between staying up late to finish the report Gavin had called me at two a.m. for and the fact that I was cranky before going to bed, my morning was bound to be a sour one. I didn't even bother putting on makeup today. There was no point in making an effort because wearing makeup or going bare-faced would make no difference.

Like I said, I may be having a bad morning today. I left home without my ID and had to wait for thirty minutes to manually check in. It took a long time to complete the process. Considering the security had known me and seen me pass through these doors for three years, I couldn't believe I had to follow through with it, but rules were rules. I was running late by the time I was cleared. Although my heart was racing so loudly when I entered the elevator, I was only starting to feel irritated.

The doors opened to Gavin's glare, and I stumbled in, surprised to see my boss standing there as if he had been waiting. I had no idea how he knew I was about to exit the elevator, and it freaked me out. I never believed in the supernatural, even when my mother tried to convince me of her voodoo nonsense. My boss was clearly not pleased to see me — as if he had ever been pleased in his life.

           I strode out, pulling my hand through my thick curls. "I'm sorry for being late," I said, but I didn't sound sorry. Maybe I did before, but the moment I saw Gavin's face, any sincerity within me flew away.

          Gavin turned around and began to walk away, expecting me to follow, and I did, because there was no way I could get through the day without petting his rage away, or I would have a worse day than I had anticipated.

           "Take." He threw a stack of heavy files into my arms, which trembled as I gripped them. Gavin's steps were so quick and long that it was difficult to keep up with him. "Starting today, Marina, you'll be working on the upper floor for a few days."

           I bristled. "What? Why?"

           "Like you're in any position to demand an answer," he retorted, which irritated me because I was entitled to know why he had assigned me to work on the upper floor.

           "But I do deserve an answer," I pressed firmly, annoyingly even.

           Gavin spun around so quickly that I didn't have time to backtrack before slamming into him. My grip on the files slipped. My boss let out a heavy, irritated sigh as I crouched down to pick up the files. When I got up, he was rubbing his brow with his fingers.

           "Marsha, I believe you have misunderstood your position and mine," he said, an unkind smile on his face. "You work for me. People like you are expendable, make no mistake..." He took a step forward, his brow furrowed deeply and his eyes wishing they could cut me up. "I can easily get rid of you. If I tell you that you'll be working on the fourth floor, " he continued with contempt. "You nod and go to your desk to get what you need, then enter the elevator and go up. Is that understood?"


           "Is that understood?"

           Today was turning out to be the worst day of my life. I had no choice but to nod. "Yes, Gavin. What am I going to do?" I asked, my teeth clenched. I swear the universe despises me for making this man my boss.

           His grin was broad. I spotted an opportunity to give him a dark glare as he turned around. "As you are aware, Mr. Harley is a very busy man—"

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