the heart thief - |28|

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          I clenched my teeth so hard that I half-expected them to crumble into dust. My gaze remained fixed on the screen before me, where my father droned on about his affairs, seemingly oblivious to anyone else's priorities. It had been half an hour since he called me and asked me to wait, yet there was no sign of him getting his attention back on me. I remained trapped, unable to end the call, forced to be a passive observer through my laptop screen.

           I was well aware that his actions were deliberate. The moment he called me, I had a clear idea of the words that would leave his lips. Yet, it's the deliberate, calculated silence that's getting under my skin, needlessly prolonging what I anticipate to be a full hour of reprimands. There's no doubt in my mind that he's been informed about the incident. Only blindness could prevent him from being aware. Even if I hadn't recounted the details, his informant, the mole, would have filled him in. Despite my desire to stand my ground, my thoughts were consumed by Millie, leaving me unable to muster a coherent defense.

         The message posted on the forum had managed to spread throughout the company and all its branches. Although it was eventually removed, the harm had already been inflicted, with Millie bearing the brunt of the repercussions. All I wanted was to be by her side, assure her that everything would eventually be okay, despite not knowing how to fix this. Changing people's opinions and silencing them remained beyond my control. All we can do was let the storm subside, yet knowing Millie, she wouldn't merely allow it to pass quietly. After she read the messages, she had stormed out, and since then, my attempts to reach her through calls and texts have gone unanswered. Meanwhile, I was stuck in my house, trapped in a video call with my father, who seemed to be on a mission to infuriate me.

           As my dad continued to monopolize my time with his ramblings, I retrieved my phone from my pocket. However, as I gazed at her name within my contacts, it struck me that this wasn't a conversation I wished to have over the phone. Frankly, it's a discussion I'd prefer to avoid altogether. I was at a loss for words and uncertain about how to broach the subject. It's not the kind of situation that could be dissolved with a few simple phrases. Our pictures were shared, exposing her to everyone, and someone's spiteful decision had tarnished her reputation and undermined her efforts.

           I couldn't think of anyone who'd want to hurt her. From what I knew, Millie maintained a low profile unless compelled otherwise, and no one bore any grudges against her. So, the question remained: who could possibly be behind this? I've already had people tracking down the source, and whoever was responsible for that post would undoubtedly face serious consequences.

           My anger surged, causing my nostrils to flare in frustration. A vehement curse escaped my lips, reverberating loudly in the room. Finally, my dad's attention was drawn in my direction, almost as if he had abruptly recalled my presence. He made a swift excuse to the person he was talking to and directed his gaze towards me, his brows knitting together. In that moment, I realized I had his undivided attention.

           "Ah yes, Roman—"

           I interrupted him, stating, "Dad, I know what you're going to say." There was no room for beating around the bush. While I had a clear understanding of what he would likely convey, my primary concern was his final decision.

           Dad arched an eyebrow. "Do you?" His tone remained light, yet his expression turned somber. It was evident that this conversation would be incredibly challenging to endure. Judging from his demeanor, it seemed he wasn't interested in an explanation. He was here to grill me before he announced his decision.

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