the heart thief - |29|

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Avoiding attention had always been my thing, particularly when it came to working at Harley Enterprises. I've always been wary of opinions and struggled with my own insecurities in relationships. Despite working with these people for years, I valued the fact that no one really knew me, until now. Suddenly, my private life was out in the open, subject to ridicule, and I wasn't comfortable with it.

Luckily, my new office offered a shield from whispers and stares, though I could still feel eyes on me. People wanted to ask, but they were hesitant. Ever since news of my relationship with Roman spread and the rumor about my promotion surfaced, life's been tough. Every day was a struggle to show I was unaffected, even though I'd cried countless times in the bathroom. It's like everyone sees me differently now, as if I'd committed a crime. Even my supervisor, Susan's demeanour had changed, making things even more uncomfortable. Even though the post had been taken down, the story continued to spread like wildfire. I couldn't prove my innocence when my relationship with Roman only seemed to confirm their false beliefs about me. I knew that anything I say would likely fall on deaf ears, given my undeniable relationship with him. The truth didn't seem to matter anymore.

I felt something was wrong when I walked in today. It felt like any normal day, but I was supposed to have a meeting with a few directors, and now I was told I didn't have to attend anymore. Though I felt sharp pains in my chest, I didn't ask to know the reason. Even confidential projects were taken from my hands. That was when I knew something was wrong. I wanted to meet with Susan for clarification, but I didn't want another rumour going around again. If they were going to ice me out, I might as well save myself time and quit.

The idea of quitting terrified me. Never in a million years did I think I'd be working anywhere else. Harley Enterprises was the first place I worked at, and had learned a lot from. I was really big on loyalty, so the thought of leaving it behind and starting somewhere else wasn't a thought. So the fact that the end of me working here terrified and saddened me.

It was after lunch when I decided to go talk to Susan. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I hated expecting the worst. If they had made a decision, I didn't want to wait it out. But instead of marching right through her office, I changed my mind at the last minute and changed direction to the restroom. My period was almost due, so I was a little sensitive.

I had just peed and was about to flush the toilet when two women walked into the restroom with my name of their lips. My entire world screeched to a halt. My heart tried its best to pound its way out of my chest.

"God, lunch was annoying today," one of the women said. "All people want to discuss is that stupid relationship."

The other laughed, but it was tight with annoyance. "Is it even a relationship? More like a hookup. Have you noticed that our boss hasn't said anything?" She snorted. "If they were in a relationship, don't you think he'd have done something to shut everyone up? His silence only makes them talk more."

"It's a shame to throw away your job for a hook up you couldn't even keep a secret."

There was a brief pause, then the other retorted eagerly. "What do you mean throw away a job? Is she getting demoted?" She sucked in an audible breath. "Oh my god, that'd be so embarrassing."

My back teeth clenched. My heart thudded, hard and pained. I took a deep breath, but it didn't work.

"Do you know Jeremiah, the guy who wants to go out with me? He told me that he heard from a real source that Millie won't get demoted. She might be getting fired."

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