the heart thief - |30|

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"Jesus. How long are you going to keep being like this?" Shane pondered, surveying the room, taking in the bottles of alcohol littered the bed and nightstand.

I lay on the unmade bed, my head pounding with a merciless hangover, a dull ache that I haven't been able to cure for a week now. I glanced up, my vision blurry, as Isaac and Shane took in the state of my bedroom. Their concerned expressions were a stark contrast to my disheveled state. I knew I looked like a mess – my hair unkempt, my eyes bloodshot, and the weight of fatigue etched into every line of my face.

Shane's brow furrowed. "You can't keep doing this to yourself."

I attempted to sit up, my movements sluggish. "Doing what? I'm just drinking," I said, picking up a bottle only to find it empty. "or was drinking."

Isaac crossed his arms, his concern evident. "You've been isolating yourself and drinking, man. You haven't been to work in a week. You need to talk about this."

I ran a hand through my hair, feeling utterly defeated and weak. "What's there to talk about? She's gone. She's not coming back, and I got dumped." One week, and my world still felt like it was crumbling around me.

"This isn't healthy," he added, his voice laced with annoyance. "Instead of wasting your time drinking, why don't you fix it? Get her back?"

"Get her back," I repeated, then softly laughed. It was so easy for him to say that, after all, he hadn't seen how she reacted. He hadn't heard the defeated sound of her voice. I struggled to sit up again, my body protesting with each movement. I felt like a ton of bricks had been added to my weight.The room spun for a moment before settling into a blurry focus. "What are you guys doing here, anyway?"

"Trying to see if you haven't killed yourself from drinking," replied Shane tightly.

I just frowned and narrowed my eyes at him. "That'd be a nice fuck you to my father, wouldn't it? To die and let him live the rest of his life with the guilt of causing his son's death." I laughed.

"I'm surprised you have given up so quickly. I thought your feelings for Millie were genuine, because if they were, you'd be out there fighting to get back the woman you love, rather than sit here and mope for days."

I glared at him. "My feelings for her are genuine."

Isaac took a seat next to me. "She asked about you, you know?"

I didn't want to give him the reaction he needed so I only nodded. "You talked to her?" Not like I expected Millie to stop talking to him, but it did hurt a little to know they were on speaking terms.

"Obviously. My friendship with her has nothing to do with you, so don't assume she'd break it off because you're not together."

"And you?" I glanced at Shane, waiting for him to tell me that he's in fact, also talking to her.

Shane slid his eyes over my face, contemplating his next move, almost like he didn't want to admit what I suspected to and lessen the blow. After a thought, he nodded. "She texted me the other day after my last game to congratulate me."

Fuck. I thought it wouldn't hurt as much, but it did. I sighed. Was it too early to ask for another drink? The space between me and my next alcohol wasn't far, but Isaac would kick me before I reached for it and I was tired, mentally and physically weak to block any of his blows. So, I was left with all the chest pains and memories and jealousy reeking off my skin.

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