the heart thief - |34|

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          "There's nothing here," exclaimed Shane, removing his glasses, his mouth agape as he gazed at the breathtaking view before him.

           Isaac joined him, taking off his own glasses and retorted, "Well, Shane, it's an island – of course, there's nothing here. I can't simply wave my hand and transform it into a resort." He chuckled, donning his glasses and striding ahead.

           Roman and I followed closely, our fingers entwined. He gently placed a hat on my head to shield me from the sun, and I beamed before we walked further. We had just stepped off from Roman's private jet onto Isaac's new island. He invited us for a two-day trip to explore the island and enjoy it. It was my first time setting foot on an island, and the reality was beyond my wildest dreams.

          I heard Shane calling out loudly, "Don't tell me we're going to sleep in tents?!"

          Isaac shot back immediately, "Sorry, your majesty, that I forgot to build you a mansion with a king sized bed for you to sleep on."

          Roman and I let go of each other's hands and kicked off our shoes, feeling the warm sand beneath our feet. As we walked along the sandy shoreline, the soft sand embraced my feet, and coconut palms swayed in the wind, casting dappled shade on the ground below. I was resisting the urge to run toward the ocean and take my first dip, and let the waves playfully splash my ankles.

           "It's going to be a long weekend," he murmured beside me."

         Isaac grinned. "Welcome to paradise, my friends! Soak it all in because it is ours."

           Shane interjected, "Don't you mean it's yours and Roman's?" His hands rested on his hips, and his duffel bags were carelessly strewn on the sandy shore. "Millie and I weren't invited to invest."

           Isaac sighed, retorting, "Come on, man. I already mentioned I'll give you 5% of the shares as a token of my appreciation for your friendship."

           Roman chimed in with a playful grin, "As your partner, shouldn't we discuss these matters? What if I decide to give Millie 20%?"

           Isaac smirked, delivering the final word, "Then I'd have to remind you that you'd still be left with just 29%."

           I spoke up, curling my fingers around Roman's bulging bicep. "I don't even want it." I turned to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I only want you." I leaned and pressed my lips to his.

           Isaac gaged. "Are you going to be like this for the whole weekend?"

           Roman grinned at me. "Do you want to frustrate him more?"

           I looked back at Isaac, who continued to shake his head repeatedly. With a smile, I looked back at Roman. "We should. After all, there's nothing like being on an island with your boyfriend. We should take every opportunity."

          A pair of arms separated us before Isaac wrapped both his arms around our necks. "The whole weekend is ours. Let's make the most of it."

           Roman and I followed the path, approaching the bungalows. These charming structures stood gracefully facing each other, with Isaac and Shane taking up one and Roman and I sharing the other.

           Large windows framed by diaphanous curtains allowed the light to filter in, casting a glow on the polished wooden floors. The room was decorated with handcrafted furniture and artworks.

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