April 18th, 2015

31 1 1

Most Asian stationery has these random quotes which I think are supposed to be deep. I guess you can only relate if you own Asian stationery, so here are some examples:

"What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity"

"You are the rainbow in my life, and I love you so much!"

"In the sweet scent mucho thoughts
Afford to have a cup of coffee"

I guess in a sense, if you look carefully, there can be some meaning to be found even in the grammatically incorrect statements found on pencil cases and notebooks.
Sunshine is what keeps flowers alive and happy, just like how smiles and happiness brighten up the lives of people.

People that we love can be like rainbows, because after the heavy storm of rain they bring light and beauty, a sign of the end of the sadness.

I can't really extract any meaning out of coffee. I got that quote from a Korean schedule planner; I don't know how they leaned Spanish.

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