Chapter 2

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TW: smut

I found myself fetching a bottle of water from Broady's fridge, feeling my throat dry at the mere thought of what I said to Garrett.

Garrett. Lance's brother. He's 3 years younger than me and Lance making him 21. Whenever I saw him at family events he had brown hair, styled almost like a bowl-cut. He wasn't very tall, hell he was shorter than I was. And gosh was he the skinniest person ever. Not that I found that a bad thing, moreover I wanted to know his secret.

But that guy I saw just a few hours ago was not Garrett. That was almost another version of Lance, just sweeter?

After the embarrassment I felt of asking my boyfriend's brother to fuck me, I didn't have the courage to go back home. I asked Broady if I could stay with him and he agreed almost immediately. I feel like he knew what would happen when I went back. Me and Lance would end up getting into an argument -- if Garrett told him what had happened -- then we'd end up having sex and all would be forgiven

As much as I love sex, sex with Lance just isn't as passionate as it used to be. But it was sex, it was pleasurable. I had my needs taken care of as well as his own. I brought the bottle to my mouth having a sip. I heard a notification spring up but I thought nothing of it and ignored it. I walked up to the living room, putting on the tv, looking for anything to watch.

When at Broady's house with Broady is fun when he's actually not in his room. He's probably talking to his boyfriend, like he always does when I come over. I rolled my eyes sipping more of my water. Gosh why is there nothing good on here. Going from channel to channel I couldn't find anything appealing to 24 year old woman. Dammit.

A loud thud snapped me out of thoughts. My head turned to see behind me that Broady had dropped his phone. Or should I say smashed?.


I watched as guilt ran over his face looking down at the phone. Like he was almost sorry it happened. He looked towards me then back down at the phone then back towards me. Confused, I walked up to where he was standing and looked at the phone, then back at him, then back at the phone.

Realisation hit. And when it did he ran. The motherfucker ran. Out the door, gone.

"Broady you son of bitch that phone cost me $700"

He smashed my phone right where I could hear him. He was definitely going to get a kick to the balls when I catched him.

"Broady get your ass back here!"

"Khloe it was a accident, I swear!"


Gosh why was he so fast. Is he a secret marathon runner or some shit. Or maybe I'm just out of shape. Yep has to be that, no fucking way Broady's actually fast. But then again, who am I to say shit when he's outrunning me.

"Broady Heshler stop right fucking now"

Newsflash he didn't stop. Fuck. I stopped at a nearby bus station catching my breath. Sitting on the chair I threw my head back hitting the board. I so needed to go to the gym. No phone. Amazing. Looking to my right I watched as Broady ran back to the direction of his house.

"I'll get you a new phone Khloe I promiseeeeeeeeee!"

Ugh. Asshole. It better be a good one. I wasn't read to run back to the house yet. Maybe just a few more minutes


Nope. That voice is so in my head. That is not him. I didn't get dragged out of a club to avoid him just for him to be here again. Nope. So not happening right now.

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