Chapter 3

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It was morning and my legs were moving faster than I thought it ever would. I was still trying to process the fact that I slept with my boyfriend's brother. I wanted to scream in my own head. Shit Khloe. His arms were wrapped around me and horror was written all over my face. Getting flashbacks from the time is going to haunt me, I know it will.

I rushed to Broady's door, banging on it, not caring if his neighbours would hear it. It took a while but the red-eyes worried looking Broady finally opened the door.

"Khloe where the hell were you?!"

I made my way inside rushing to the shower. I needed to clean myself, I feel yuck.

"Khloe, you've been gone the whole night, where'd you go?"

"I went to a hotel with some guy"

I mumbled the last part which I pretty sure he still heard by the way his footsteps were following close behind me.

"Some guy? Who?"

Walking into the bathroom I slammed the door on him hoping when I said who it was he wouldn't kill me. I walked up to the sink, turning the tap for the cold water, slowing running it down my face hoping that I was just in a dream. I was not. I mumbled Garretts name way to low for him to even hear. This is so embarrassing

"With who?"

My hand went to the doorknob opening it, going to grab a towel, I walked back into the bathroom slamming it back on Broady's face. Carefully discarding my clothes I find multiple dark purple marks covering my entire body. My eyebrows furrowed together and the thought of him putting it there. Omg. I quickly ran the tap for the shower, hopping inside.


The only sounds heard was the water hitting the shower floor as well as my breathing quickening in paste.

"Who was the guy?"

God Broady just leave it alone. I felt like crying in embarrassment. My lips tightened in a straight line, exhaling a defeated sigh.


Who knew silence could be this loud, huh?

"I slept with Garrett"



Hoping that he would go away the bathroom door came flying open. His face was filled with surprise mixed with anger?

"You fucked Garrett?!. How? When? Where? Omg is his dick bigger than Lances. Was he any sweet during it or was he that super dominant type who would pin you down with your hands tied fuckin-"


I didn't even bother to cover myself up. He was too busy filling the head fantasizing about me and Garrett.

"I'm naked. I'm having a shower. I'm trying to forget. You're invading my space. Get out"

His eyes scanned my body for a brief second before nodding his head. My head was knocked against the glass of the bathroom door, hoping every thought in my brain would just disappear.


Broady's pool was the only thing giving me comfort right now. It felt so good lying in here. Although no matter how hard I try to stray away, Garrett keeps coming into my head. And I keep hearing those words.

"You feel so good clenched around my cock, Khloe"

Lance never dirty talked whenever we had sex. He was more of the 'lets fuck so we can both feel good' typa thing. It never meant anything more then that.

I kicked my legs upwards, splashing water wherever I felt like it. I wonder how Garrett even knew where I was. I thought he lived on the other side of town. Broady lives almost a few miles away from Lance's family. And the club we went to was on their side. How could he have known where I was. He didnt even look surprised to see me. As if he knew when and where I'd be.

I shook my head, cancelling those thoughts. Don't get too ahead of yourself Khloe. You're just being stupid.

I felt the presence of Broady splash in besides me. He didn't say anything, moreover he just observed me. Not in a creepy way, but in a 'you're a idiot' way.

"So you and Garrett, what is it?"

I don't know myself to be honest. I would call it a one night stand. But I wouldn't know what he'd call it.

"Was it a quick fuck"

I shoved Broady's shoulder slightly feeling both our lips let out a sound of laughter.

"I hope it was. I'm still with Lance at the end of the day so it's not like- Holy shit Lance!"

His head almost hit the concrete with how hard he was laughing, I swear I wanted to punch him.

"Give me your phone, I gotta call him"

"It's in the kitchen"

I got out of the pool rushing to the kitchen. No contact with Lance for at least 2 days, I don't know if he's worried or relieved but I still needed to check up on him. Whether mad or not.

Going through Broady's phone, I quickly went to contacts seeing if he even had Lance's number.

Wait a second.

I pressed on the contact, slowing scrolling through the messages.

"$200 if you bring her outside. And break her phone, I don't want her calling anyone to prevent me from seeing her"

I read the text message out loud and steam was coming out of my ears. Broady sold me out.

I went to text Garrett with a 2 simples words. Fuck and you. I swear one of these days, Broady's gonna make me listen to the tiny voice inside my head. That's for sure.


Chapter 4 coming on Wednesday!
I do have study class on that day so it might be published a little late lmfao. This chapter was just kinda rushed lol. Not enough detail I'll admit that. I may get just stick to short stories bahah.

I might not always be able to follow schedule with the days I'll post but I'll try. Remember to follow me on tiktok @envi.sage

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