Chapter 5

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Jallace's pov

"I'm not coming"

My friends had been begging for me to come along with them for a while now. I'm not the type to go to clubs or party's ever since the last incident.

I had way too much to drink and ending up taking advantage of someone. It haunts me. I never want that to happen again. Memories of that time still flood into my brain, not allowing me to forget. I've been trying to find her, to apologize, to repay her for the damage I've caused.

But no luck. My friends say they never see her at the club they go to anymore. She worked as a stripper so she must've quit. Alcohol was the one thing that I enjoyed having, but now I never want to touch it again. Every time I even smell the scent of it I feel like throwing up.

Going back to High Haven might give me memories I don't want to keep thinking. But with all this refusing, this bunch just doesn't know when to give up.

"C'mon we won't even hang around the bar, we'll just stay at the staging area or find a table to sit down at"

Caleb was the one mostly insisting on me coming. For months he's been trying to get me out, although I appreciate it I just wished he'd stop already.

"Who knows you might find her there again and maybe you could apologize?"

"You said that last week"

"And I'm saying it again now"

I rolled my eyes at his statement. My head laid further into the comforter of my bed and my eyes were now shut closed.

"I'm not coming guys. End of story"

Unfortunately they did not understand the term 'end of story'. I felt the warmth on my body leave once the blanket on me was pulled off onto the floor. 2 pairs of hands on my legs dragging me off the bed and into the bathroom.

"I'll shower him, you guys look for his clothes"
Kali spoke, almost out of breath. He was struggling. Even so I heard a quick 'on it'  from both Caleb and Niall.

"I said no!"


"Fuck sakes"

The music was roaring way too loud. We were right in the front as the show went on. There were 3 poles in total, each with one girl gliding down, showing off their asses to all these hungry-like men. God I felt so uncomfortable. I didn't want to be here, not really I guess. Caleb was beside me and he was throwing out money like he didn't have rent due the next day.

Kali already had a VIP room booked with one of the strippers. He was probably already having it out with her. Or him. Niall was at the bar, which meant he was coming nowhere near me. And he knew that.

I felt a nudge to the side of me, Caleb was giving me some money, a few ten dollar bills as well as a bunch of 5s.

"C'mon dude, throw some"

I felt an unpleasant feeling in my stomach. I hated it here. I looked at the mountful of money in my hands, thinking this is such a waste.

"It's not"

Caleb. He knew exactly what I was thinking.

"Just throw it, and then we'll go to a table"

I trusted his word. I threw the money at one of the girls. Mostly just the one closest to me, she smiled at me, almost riding the pole I response as a 'thank you'. I bet she does this for all men, considering it is her job. I gave back a quick smile before leaving Caleb and the lovely stripper.

"I'm out"

Leaving to find a table, a hand on my wrist stopped me. I thought it might've been Caleb breaking his promise but instead it was a women. A beautiful one at that.

I took a glance at Caleb and he was nowhere near focused on me, just on the strippers. I focused my attention back onto the figure dragging me around the club. I couldn't get a whole scan of her face, but her body just from the back was so beautiful. I thought of making a sarcastic comment, just to see how she would respond, to get a hint of her nature.

"How'd you know I loved being dragged around by women?"

As cheesy as that sounded she didn't even take a glance at me. Her curls still bouncy up and down, while the sound of her heels made a noise so pleasing to my ears, knowing they were hers.

"A hunch"

My lips curled into a smile and I think even a small laugh came out of me. She stopped at a halt, bringing her hands around my neck and her eyes focused somewhere else.

She looked towards a particular man with a stripper dancing on him. A very dancy stripper at that. I looked back at the women before me and her eyes were already back on me, staring into them. I got the hint of what she was trying to accomplish, and I was all for it.

"Pretend like you're obsessed with me or something"

Her voice sounded so soft and pure. Almost drilling a hole inside me. For the first time in 2 years, a women managed to make my heart beat. For once her scent of alcohol radiating off of her smelt so nice I wanted to rub it off her and make it a perfume, a perfume just for me. Pretend like I'm obsessed? God I think I already am.

I was scared when I placed my hands on her waist, wondering if I'd hurt her if I put too much pressure on her. I slowly manuvered her closer to me. Her chest softly hovered over the fabric of my shirt and the brown strips of her hair falling off her face once my fingers brushed it out of sight, getting a clear look at her.


I bent down to her ear, feeling the heat of my breath come on to her, responding to her words.

"I don't think I have to"

A small movement on my neck was felt and I swear the colour of her cheeks turned pink. My gaze went back to the man and he was scowling. I looked back at her and I wondered what he'd do if I went further, kissed her, played with her, all while he was watching. How angry could I have made him get?


End of chapter 5!
We're going back to Khloe's pov next chapter ;)

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