Chapter 8

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Khloe's pov

The car ride back home was silent. Instead of sitting in the front seat I sat at the back. For once, Lance seemed jealous, ticked off, pissed, angry. All the reactions I wanted. I wanted it all. Lance didn't mind me sitting at the back but he'd take annoyed glances at me constantly.

Looking out the window I realised we weren't on our way home. The street was different to the way of our apartment.

"Lance, where are we going"

Silence. As always.

"Lance, I'm asking you something"

"And I'm ignoring you"

I think my back hit my seat a bit too hard since a I felt a light sting just making me ache a little. The charm of my phone buzzed and the brightness from my screen blinded me a little.

"Give me your phone"

I ignored him taking a look at the message before going to delete it. "Save my number" it said. "It's Jallace btw" . Of course it is.

"Give me your fucking phone Khloe"

'Delete', 'delete', 'delete'. That's all my mind was thinking of. Memorise the number, then delete the texts and his number itself.

"Fuck this"

We came to a stop on the side of the road and fear came over me when Lance rushed over to me at the back. He opened the back door, scooting me over just so he's sitting next to me.

"What're you doing?"

He didn't answer. Again. Typical but what can I say.

The feel of his arm went to my thigh, squeezing it just so our eyes met.

"You're fucking mine Khloe"

"I'm not an object"

His lips let out a sigh that could be considered annoyed and guilt. But I didn't know which one he was leaning to.

"Come here"

He turned my face to him, smashing his lips onto me. I don't know what had made him think this was going to be okay but it wasn't.

"Lance, no"

He didn't listen. His hands went to my waist, picking me up just slightly, manuvering me onto his lap.

"Let's just fuck it out, Khloe. Just like we always do. When we get mad at each other we fuck, and then we forgive. Please"

I could feel the shiver of his lips on mine. Begging. And what did I do, I gave in. Because this was us. Poison. And I was never going to escape from it, not if it's Lance.

To be continueddddddd

OMG HEY GUYS SO THIS CHAPTER IS SO FUCKING SHORT AND IN SO SORRY FOR TAKING A BILLION FREAKING YEARS BUT IM NOT MOTIVATEDD. BUT THEN THIS GIRL COMMENTED ON MY TIKTOK SAYING SHE WAS GONNA REMAKE MY STORY AND I READ IT AND THOUGHT "okay let me just go write chapter 8" yep shit like that gets me motivated so thankkkssss xx. But anyways idk when the next update will be but hopefully this weekend. And please look at announcements on here, I announce them to my followers so follow meeee. The announcements are basically like if I'm gonna post it if I have a chapter ready so ye. And again IM SO SORRY FOR THE LONG FREAKING WAIT AND THE STUPID SHORT DUMB CHAPTER🥹🥹😭

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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